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The Greek Strategy at the Battle of Salamis 480 BCE
Article by Antonis Mistriotis

The Greek Strategy at the Battle of Salamis 480 BCE

The history of the second Persian war as presented in most of the modern literature is solely based on Herodotus' Histories. However, Herodotus' narration seems to contain several unrealistic elements which raise doubts about the actual strategy...
Greek Vase Painters & Potters
Article by Trustees of the British Museum

Greek Vase Painters & Potters

We know the names of some potters and painters of Greek vases because they signed their work. Generally a painter signed his name followed by some form of the verb 'painted', while a potter (or perhaps the painter writing for him) signed...
Greek World Heritage Sites
Article by Heinrich Hall

Greek World Heritage Sites

Greece, the 'cradle of western civilization', is home to a large number of spectacular sites from the ancient world, several of which have been placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. These sites of great historical importance, interest...
Greek vases: names, shapes and functions
Article by Jan van der Crabben

Greek vases: names, shapes and functions

The system of names used today for Greek vases has quite rightly been described by one leading scholar as 'chaotic'. Many of the names were first applied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by scholars who tried to fit the names of...
Elephants in Greek & Roman Warfare
Article by Mark Cartwright

Elephants in Greek & Roman Warfare

In the search for ever more impressive and lethal weapons to shock the enemy and bring total victory the armies of ancient Greece, Carthage, and even sometimes Rome turned to the elephant. Huge, exotic, and frightening the life out of an...
Greek Goddess Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon in Greek Mythology
Video by Kelly Macquire

Greek Goddess Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon in Greek Mythology

The Greek goddess Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, wild nature and the moon in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Leto and Zeus, and the twin sister to Apollo, the god of the sun, medicine and music among others. Artemis was a patron...
Comedy & Tragedy: the Drama of Greek Theatre
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Comedy & Tragedy: the Drama of Greek Theatre

Greek theatre likely sprang from the lyrical performance of ancient epic poetry and the rituals performed in the worship of the god Dionysos where goats were sacrificed and participants wore masks. From the 6th century BCE, Greek tragedy...
Gallery of Greek Temples
Image Gallery by Jan van der Crabben

Gallery of Greek Temples

The architects of the ancient Greek world believed that temples should not just fulfil their purpose of housing a statue of a god or goddess but that they should be admired from both close-up and from afar. Consequently, a great deal of effort...
A Gallery of Monsters and Creatures of Greek Mythology
Image Gallery by Carole Raddato

A Gallery of Monsters and Creatures of Greek Mythology

The myths and legends of ancient Greece included a wide variety of fearsome creatures and monsters, such as dragons, giants, demons, and multiformed beings like the sphinx, minotaur, centaurs, and griffins. These terrifying entities often...
The Greek Philosophers
Collection by Mark Cartwright

The Greek Philosophers

In this collection of 20 biographies of ancient Greek philosophers, we examine the thoughts and lives of some of the most important thinkers in history. We look at the pre-Socratic philosophers and the titan trio of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle...