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Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The word philosophy comes from the Greek philo (love) and sophia (wisdom) and so is literally defined as “the love of wisdom”. More broadly understood, it is the study of the most basic and profound matters of human existence. Philosophical...
Greek Philosophy
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Greek Philosophy

Ancient Greek philosophy is a system of thought, first developed in the 6th century BCE, which was informed by a focus on the First Cause of observable phenomena. Prior to the development of this system by Thales of Miletus (l. c. 585 BCE...
Roman Philosophy
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Roman Philosophy

Roman philosophy played a significant role in the growth and development of Western thought. While not involved directly in the development of original philosophical thought, Rome made significant contributions in two ways: by conveying Greek...
Hindu Architecture
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Hindu Architecture

Hindu architecture evolved over the centuries from simple rock-cut cave shrines to massive and ornate temples which spread across the Indian sub-continent and beyond, forming a canonical style which is still adhered to today in modern Hindu...
Similarities Between Eastern & Western Philosophy
Article by Emily Mark

Similarities Between Eastern & Western Philosophy

Although there are certainly differences between Eastern and Western philosophical systems, they both aim at the same goal of apprehending Truth and understanding the best way to live one's life. Modern-day scholarship often makes a serious...
Ancient Chinese Philosophy
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Chinese Philosophy

The term Ancient Chinese Philosophy refers to the belief systems developed by various philosophers during the era known as the Hundred Schools of Thought when these thinkers formed their own schools during the Spring and Autumn Period (c...
The History of Philosophy: Origins of Ancient Philosophy Around the Globe
Video by Kelly Macquire

The History of Philosophy: Origins of Ancient Philosophy Around the Globe

In honour of World Philosophy Day on November 18th, we are bringing you an introduction to the history of philosophy, and the origins of ancient philosophy from around the world! What is philosophy you may be asking? Well, the word philosophy...
A Visual Glossary of Hindu Architecture
Article by Mark Cartwright

A Visual Glossary of Hindu Architecture

Adisthana - the decorative raised platform on which a temple is built. Alasa kanya - a decorative female figure. Amalaka - a large fluted stone disc placed on top of a Nagara tower taking its form from the amla or myrobalan fruit native...
Passing of Philosophy to Religion: The Death of Hypatia
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Passing of Philosophy to Religion: The Death of Hypatia

The death of the philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria (l. c. 370-415) has long been considered the "passage of philosophy to religion", exemplifying the transition from the pagan values of antiquity to those of the new religion of Christianity...
Chinese Philosophy
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Chinese Philosophy

Ancient Chinese Philosophy developed during the Spring and Autumn Period (c. 772-476 BCE) and the Warring States Period (c. 481-221 BCE) in ancient China. This was the era known as the Hundred Schools of Thought, referring to many different...