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Migration Period in Europe During the 4th & 5th Century
Image by Simeon Netchev

Migration Period in Europe During the 4th & 5th Century

A map illustrating migrations of various peoples across fractured Europe and Western Asia after the division of the Roman Empire at the end of the 4th Century CE.
Map of Romani Migration in the Middle Ages
Image by Arienne King

Map of Romani Migration in the Middle Ages

Map showing the movement of the Romani people between approximately 500 and 1500 CE. The dates used on this map are commonly accepted approximations based on historical accounts and linguistic evidence. Some dates, such as the timeframe in...
Vandal Migration
Image by Vandals_Migration_ua.PNG: O.Mustafin

Vandal Migration

Vandal migration from northern Europe to north Africa.
Migration of the Cimbri
Image by Pethrus

Migration of the Cimbri

Map showing the route taken by the Cimbri and Teutones (2nd century BCE).
Page from On the Fabric of the Human Body
Image by Wellcome Images

Page from On the Fabric of the Human Body

An intricately labelled diagram of the human muscles from Andreas Vesalius' (1514-1564) celebrated book on anatomy, On the Fabric of the Human Body, first published in 1543. (Wellcome Images)
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Brahmanism (also known as Vedic Religion) is the belief system that developed from the Vedas during the Late Vedic Period (c. 1100-500 BCE) originating in the Indus Valley Civilization after the Indo-Aryan Migration c. 2000-1500 BCE. It claims...
Vesalius Dissecting a Human Body
Image by Unknown Artist

Vesalius Dissecting a Human Body

The frontispiece of On the Fabric of the Human Body (1543) by Andreas Vesalius (1514-64). The anatomist is shown making a dissection of a human body. (National Library of Medicine)
Title Page, Treatise of Human Nature
Image by Sotheby's

Title Page, Treatise of Human Nature

The title page of Treatise on Human Nature by the Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776). A key text of the Enlightenment, it was first published in 1740. The quote from Tacitus reads: "It is the rare happiness of these days that one...
An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races
Image by Daehan

An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races

Original edition of Arthur de Gobineau's (1816-1882 CE) An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races. 1853 CE. Library of the National Museum of Natural History, Paris.
Drawing Showing Mathematical Perspective Applied to the Human Head by Piero della Francesca
Image by Piero della Francesca

Drawing Showing Mathematical Perspective Applied to the Human Head by Piero della Francesca

A drawing by the Italian Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca (c. 1420-1492 CE) showing his theories of mathematical perspective applied to representing the human form. From De prospectiva pingendi.