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Kingdom of Northumbria
The Kingdom of Northumbria (c. 604-954 CE) was a political entity in the north of modern-day Britain with Mercia directly to the south, the Kingdoms of the Welsh to the west, and the land of the Picts to the north; the eastern line of the...

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) was a Russian composer most famous for his symphonies, the ballets Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker, and the operas Eugene Onegin and The Queen of Spades. A composer of innovative and...

Bardr mac Imair
Bardr mac Imair (c. 873-881 CE, also known as Barid mac Imair, Barith, Baraid) was a Viking king of Dublin, son of the Viking king Imair (Imar, Ivan) who founded the Ui Imair Dynasty in Ireland. Bardr became king in Dublin after Imair's death...

Isaac I Komnenos
Isaac I Komnenos was the Byzantine emperor from 1057 to 1059 CE. Although his reign was brief, he was known for being a capable and militarily astute general and emperor. As the first emperor to lead troops himself in battle in over 30 years...

Michael IV the Paphlagonian
Michael IV the Paphlagonian was Byzantine emperor from 1034 to 1041 CE. He had an affair with Empress Zoe, then married her and was crowned emperor after the death of her first husband, Romanos III. He ran a competent regime that kept the...

Cracking Ancient Codes: Cuneiform Writing - with Irving Finkel
Writing is generally agreed to be among the greatest inventions in human history, perhaps the greatest invention, since it made history possible. Subscribe for regular science videos: You can read more about...

Demolition, disease, and death: Building the Panama Canal - Alex Gendler
Discover what it took to build the Panama Canal, and how this colossal construction project changed the region. — In the 19th century, the California gold rush brought thousands of settlers to America's west coast. But finding gold...

History vs. Augustus
Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson: His reign marked the beginning of one of history’s greatest empires … and the...

A Day in the Life of an Ancient Babylonian Business Mogul
Follow Beltani, a Babylonian priestess and businesswoman, as she investigates who is undermining her barley fields and tavern. — It's 1762 BCE. As dawn breaks in the Babylonian city of Sippar, Beltani— a priestess and businesswoman—...

When will the next ice age happen? - Lorraine Lisiecki
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