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Ancient Japanese Incense Burner
This ancient Japanese incense burner has a lion-shaped weight at the end of its handle. It was cast in bronze and dates from the 8th century CE during the Nara period in Japanese history. (Tokyo National Museum)

Life of Emperor Vespasian #9 - The Citizens Emperor, Roman History Documentary Series
Emperor Vespasian was a self-made man who was loved by the Roman people and his successors. He was able to save the Empire after the crash of the Julio-Claudian dynasty! He has been called the Citizens Emperor, a man of the people. In this...

Portion of a Japanese Buddhist Sutra
This is a portion of the "Bussetsu zoho ketsugi kyo," which was a sutra copied by hand in ink on paper in 12th-century CE Japan. (Tokyo National Museum)

Japanese Bishamon Ten Scuplture
Made of wood with polychrome, cut gold leaf, and crystal eyes, this is one of the most remarkable statues from ancient Japan. The ink inscription eclosed in the statue of Bishamon Ten (Vaisravana) reveals that it was dedicated on the seventh...

Section of the Japanese Flower Garland Sutra
This is one of 60 scrolls from a transcription of the "Avatamsaka Sutra." Ruled lines in gold pigment segment the paper, which is decorated with flakes of god. At some point, the top and bottom of this scroll were burnt in a fire with the...

Japanese Imperial Regalia
An aritst's impression of three items from the unseen Japanese imperial regalia. In Japanese mythology the sun goddess Amaterasu gave her son Ninigi three gifts to aid his rule on earth: the Yasakani, a fabulous jewel (or pearls or magatama...

Emperor Claudius #4 - The Invalid Emperor
Emperor Claudius, he was probably the least likely male in the Julio-Claudian dynasty to become Emperor of Rome. However, due to the high mortality rate of males in the dynasty… he was proclaimed Emperor by the Praetorian Guard... Born...

Emperor Caligula #3 - The Mad Emperor
Emperor Caligula. At the end of March 37 AD, a solemn procession of soldiers walked along the Via Appia from Naples towards Rome. The gloomy Emperor Tiberius horror reign was finally over. The Roman Empire had received a new emperor in Gaius...

Emperor Galba #6 - The Oldest Emperor
Emperor Galba was the first Roman Emperor who was not from the Julio-Claudian dynasty. First Emperor of the Year of the Four Emperor... On this channel we focus on Roman History and right now we're doing a video on every Roman Emperor...

Emperor Otho #7 - The Shortest Reigning Roman Emperor
Emperor Otho had a very short reign in a turbulent time of Roman History, he was the second emperor of the year of the four emperors. On this channel we focus on Roman History and right now we're doing a video on every Roman Emperor...