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Fresco of Basil the Great
Located at the Cathedral of Ohrid, Macedonia, this fresco, from the 11th century CE, depicts Saint Basil (Basil the Great) blessing gifts in the Divine Liturgy. Basil was born c. 330 CE and died 379 CE.

Praetorium of Dion, Greece
The praetorium of Dion in Macedonia (Greece) was a guesthouse used by visiting state officials as well as ordinary travellers. At Dion, it was located near the forum at the junction of the main cardo and the road leading to Mount Olympus.

Silver Tetradrachm of Demetrius I of Macedon
Silver tetradrachm from Macedonia, reign of Demetrius I of Macedon, 306-283 BCE. O: Nike blowing a trumpet on a ship's brow. R: Poseidon with trident. The coin was minted to commemorate Demetrius' victory over Ptolemy I at Salamis near Cyprus...

Dion Sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos, Greece
The Sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos at Dion in Macedonia (Greece) was a sanctuary with a single-roomed temple cella surrounded by a colonnade. A cult statue of Zeus was found in the naos of the temple of Zeus Hypsistos, next to its masonry base...

Ionic Column, Amphipolis
The remains of the ancient northern Greek city of Amphipolis.
Location: Amphipolis, Macedonia, Greece

Myrtle Wreath
Gold wreaths that imitate natural ones come mainly from royal tombs in Macedonia, Asia Minor and southern Italy. The crowning of the dead with a wreath signified that they were worthy of being rewarded with eternal life after death. The...

The Greek statesman Aeschines (389-314 BCE).This marble head was a Roman copy of a portrait, perhaps erected shortly after his death. The ancient inscription makes the identification certain. From Bitolia, Macedonia. (The British Museum...

Cult Statue of Zeus Hypsistos
The cult statue of Zeus was found in the Temple of Zeus Hypsistos at Dion in Macedonia (Greece). The god is depicted seated on a throne, his right hand holding a thunderbolt while the left arm is raised to hold a scepter. He wears a himation...

Roman Forum of Dion, Greece
The Roman Forum of Dion in Macedonia (Greece) was built over the top of the Hellenistic agora in the late 2nd century CE. The new forum consisted of a rectangular paved courtyard measuring 58 x 68 metres (190 x 223 ft). The Roman Basilica...

Gold Myrtle Wreath
Gold myrtle wreath from Macedonia, 4th century BCE. A religious symbol, also indicating social position, it was worn at public appearances, religious ceremonies and symposia, and accompanied its owner to the grave. Archaeological Museum...