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Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
Image by Aa77zz

Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

A map indicating the major trans-Saharan trade routes across West Africa c. 1100-1500 CE. The darker yellow areas indicate gold fields.
Trans-Saharan Camel Caravan
Image by Holger Reineccius

Trans-Saharan Camel Caravan

A trans-Saharan camel caravan carrying salt. Agadez to Bilma, Niger.
Western Sahara, Catalan Atlas
Image by Gallica Digital Library

Western Sahara, Catalan Atlas

A map of West Africa from the 1375 CE Catalan Atlas. The map shows the trans-Saharan caravan trade routes between North Africa and the Niger River. (Sheet 6, National Library of France, Paris)
Map of Niger River
Image by Hel-hama

Map of Niger River

The Niger River is the most important river in West Africa, and is the third longest river in Africa after the Nile River and Congo River. Known for its distinctive "boomerang" shape, the Niger River flows from the Guinea Highlands to the...
Ibn Battuta’s Travels, 1325-1354
Image by Simeon Netchev

Ibn Battuta’s Travels, 1325-1354

A map illustrating Ibn Battuta's (Abū Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Abd Allāh Al-Lawātī, 1304 – c.1368) series of extraordinary journeys across the Islamic world and beyond spanning close to 75,000 miles (120,000 kilometers). A 14th-century Maghrebi...
Salt Slabs, Timbuktu
Image by Robin Taylor

Salt Slabs, Timbuktu

Salt slabs on sale at a market in Timbuktu, Mali. Salt from mines in the Sahara desert has been transported to and traded in West Africa since pre-historical times.
Tomb of Askia Mohammad I, Gao
Image by Taguelmoust

Tomb of Askia Mohammad I, Gao

Tomb of Askia Mohammad I (r. 1494-1528 CE) of the Songhai Empire. Gao, Mali. The complex includes the pyramidal tomb, two flat-roofed mosque buildings, the mosque cemetery, and the open-air assembly ground.
Djenne-Djenno Sculpture
Image by The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Djenne-Djenno Sculpture

A terracotta sculpture of a male figure from Djenne-Djenno, Mali. 13th century CE (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
First Agricultural Revolution
Definition by Raffaele Testolin

First Agricultural Revolution

The First Agricultural Revolution, beginning c. 12-20,000 years ago, was characterized by the emergence of different agricultural systems in different parts of the world, whose common trait was the use of native species. Although agriculture...
Sahara Desert Documentary HD - Africa's trade routes with Caravans of Gold
Video by Sahara Desert Documentary HD

Sahara Desert Documentary HD - Africa's trade routes with Caravans of Gold

We always have to keep in mind that a Documentary, after all, can tell lies and it can tell lies because it lays claim to a form of veracity which fiction doesn't. Some of the documentaries are made just to discredit some particular person...