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Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Cilicia is the ancient Roman name for the southeastern region of Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). It is referenced in the biblical books of Acts and Galatians, was the birthplace of Saint Paul, and the site of his early evangelical missions...
Old Dongola
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Old Dongola

Old Dongola (aka Dungulah or Dunkula), located in modern Sudan, was the capital of the ancient Nubian kingdom of Dongola (aka Makuria or Makurra) which flourished from the 6th to 14th century CE. A Christian kingdom for at least 750 years...
Battles & Conquests Of The Ottoman Empire (1299-1683)
Article by Syed Muhammad Khan

Battles & Conquests Of The Ottoman Empire (1299-1683)

Spanning across three continents and holding dominance over the Black and Mediterranean Seas, the Ottoman Sultanate (1299-1922) was a global military superpower between the 15th and 17th centuries. From the point of its inception in 1299...
The Portuguese Conquest of India
Article by James Hancock

The Portuguese Conquest of India

Throughout the 15th century, the Portuguese Crown yearned for a piece of the Far Eastern spice trade. For centuries this trade had been dominated by the Venetians who obtained pepper, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon from their Middle...
Mongol Multiculturalism
Article by Isaac Toman Grief

Mongol Multiculturalism

The Mongol Empire accepted and promoted many other cultures. Historians often talk about cultural exchange across Asia in the Mongol Empire as something that was just facilitated by peace and stability across such a huge area – the 'Pax Mongolica'...
Teutonic Knight
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Teutonic Knight

A medieval Teutonic Knight was a member of the Catholic military Deutscher Orden or Teutonic Order, officially founded in March 1198 CE. The first mission of the Teutonic knights was to help retake Jerusalem from the Arabs in the Third Crusade...
War of the Second Coalition
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

War of the Second Coalition

The War of the Second Coalition (1798-1802), part of the broader French Revolutionary Wars, was the second attempt by an alliance of major European powers to defeat Revolutionary France. The Second Coalition, which included Russia, Austria...
Faras Cathedral
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Faras Cathedral

The Cathedral of Faras, a city in ancient Nubia and once the capital of the Kingdom of Faras (aka Nobatia), was built and rebuilt from the 8th to 11th century CE. Its interior was decorated with hundreds of frescoes which are amongst the...
The Empire of Timur the Lame, c. 1404 CE
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Empire of Timur the Lame, c. 1404 CE

A map illustrating the empire and campaigns of Timur (from the Chagatai word for iron) at its biggest extent before his death in 1405. Timur the Lame (Timur-i Leng from Persian, Tamerlane as it had evolved in English or Timūr Gurkānī, son-in-law...
Delhi Sultanate under the Mamluk Dynasty, 1206-1290
Image by Simeon Netchev

Delhi Sultanate under the Mamluk Dynasty, 1206-1290

A map illustrating the rise and evolution of the Sultanate of Delhi during the times of its first ruling dynasty – the Mamluks (also known as the Slave or Ghulam Dynasty), an influential military class of slave soldiers between 1206 and 1290...