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Maya Giving Birth to the Buddha
Image by Cristian Violatti

Maya Giving Birth to the Buddha

Artistic representation of Maya giving birth to the Buddha. This depiction is part of the altar in the "Mother Temple of the Graduated Path to Enlightenment", an Austrian Buddhist temple located at the West Monastic Zone-9 in Lumbini, Rupandehi...
Maya Urn with Jaguar Figure & Skulls
Image by Walters Art Museum

Maya Urn with Jaguar Figure & Skulls

A polychrome urn with a jaguar figure and skulls. Classic Maya, 600-900 CE, Guatemala. (Walters Art Museum, Baltimore)
Maya Jade Plaque
Image by Joanbanjo

Maya Jade Plaque

A Maya jade plaque from Nebaj, Guatemala. Created around 600. (National Museum of Guatemala)
Maya Devi Temple & the Holy Pond
Image by Wes Olson

Maya Devi Temple & the Holy Pond

Image of the Maya Devi Temple and Holy Pond in Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha. The area of the temple covers the exact spot where Siddhartha Gautama was born, which is indicated by the marker stone. The Holy Pond is where, according...
Maya Deity on Obsidian Flake
Image by The British Museum

Maya Deity on Obsidian Flake

An obsidian flake from Tikal, Guatemala which has been incised with a representation of a Maya god. Height: 9 cm / 3.5 in. 250-900 CE. (British Museum, London)
Maya Warrior
Image by James Blake Wiener

Maya Warrior

A seated Maya warrior. This stone and plaster figure is from the exterior of The Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itza. Mexico, 1000-1100 CE. (St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri)
Maya Incense Burner
Image by James Blake Wiener

Maya Incense Burner

A Maya incense burner in the form of Itzamnaaj. The god wears a costume with feline headdress. Painted ceramic, c. 1200-1521, Peten, Guatemala (St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri)
Maya Stele in Grand Plaza Chacchoben, Mexico
Image by Betsy Mark

Maya Stele in Grand Plaza Chacchoben, Mexico

Weathered and broken stele in the Grand Plaza of the Maya city of Chacchoben, Mexico, c. 700 CE. It rests at the foot of the stairs leading up to the Gran Basamento plateau where religious rituals were held.
Maya Tomb Structure at San Gervasio
Image by James Blake Wiener

Maya Tomb Structure at San Gervasio

This Maya building located on the island of Cozumel is named so due to the finding a vaulted tomb in its interior, unbique in San Gervasio, Mexico. The strcutre is a platform since it had no building on tiop of it — only benches — and an...
Maya Marble Vessel
Image by James Blake Wiener

Maya Marble Vessel

A Maya tripod marble vessel. Travesia, Cortés, Honduras, 600-909 CE. (St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri)