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Medieval Japan
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Medieval Japan

The medieval period of Japan is considered by most historians to stretch from 1185 to 1603 CE. Stand out features of the period include the replacement of the aristocracy by the samurai class as the most powerful social group, the establishment...
Medieval Literature
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Medieval Literature

Medieval literature is defined broadly as any work written in Latin or the vernacular between c. 476-1500, including philosophy, religious treatises, legal texts, as well as works of the imagination. More narrowly, however, the term applies...
A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Architecture

Architecture in ancient Egypt reflected the Egyptian culture's values, primarily that of ma'at (harmony/balance) symbolized by the symmetry of the completed works. Exteriors and interiors were carefully planned and executed in accordance...
The Architecture of Ancient Rome
Collection by Mark Cartwright

The Architecture of Ancient Rome

Roman architecture was nothing if not eclectic. From ingenious underfloor heating to gravity-defying arches, the Romans added to the Classical repertoire such grandiose structures as the triumphal arch, basilica, amphitheatre, and city tower...
Medieval Chivalry
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Medieval Chivalry

In medieval Europe, a code of ethics known as chivalry developed which included rules and expectations that the nobility would, at all times, behave in a certain manner. Chivalry was, in addition, a religious, moral and social code which...
Medieval Heraldry
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Medieval Heraldry

Heraldry, which is the use of inherited coats of arms and other symbols to show personal identity and family lineage, began on the mid-12th century CE battlefield as an easy means to identify medieval royalty and princes who were otherwise...
Medieval Tournament
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Medieval Tournament

The medieval tournament was a forum for European knights where they could practise and show off their military skills in activities such as jousting or the mêlée, indulge in a bit of pageantry, display their chivalrous qualities and win both...
Medieval Trades
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Medieval Trades

Medieval trades were essential to the daily welfare of the community and those who learned a skill through apprenticeship could make a higher and more regular income than farmers or soldiers. Professionals like millers, blacksmiths, masons...
A Gallery of Chinese Art & Architecture
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Chinese Art & Architecture

Chinese culture developed from small communities such as Banpo Village (c. 4500 BCE) through the early Xia Dynasty (c. 2070-1600 BCE) and the great dynastic periods that followed after, creating some of the most striking and memorable works...
The Medieval Church
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

The Medieval Church

Religious practice in medieval Europe (c. 476-1500) was dominated and informed by the Catholic Church. The majority of the population was Christian, and "Christian" at this time meant "Catholic" as there was initially no other form of that...