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Migration Period in Europe During the 4th & 5th Century
A map illustrating migrations of various peoples across fractured Europe and Western Asia after the division of the Roman Empire at the end of the 4th Century CE.

Holocaust in Europe during World War Two
This map illustrates the scale and scope of the Holocaust in Europe during World War II, a systematic, state-organized persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews, alongside millions of other victims, by Nazi Germany and its...

Europe at the Peace of Westphalia, 1648
A map illustrating the situation in Europe after the Peace of Westphalia was signed in Osnabrück and Münster between May and October 1648. The two treaties ended the Thirty Years’ War (initially a war between various Protestant and Catholic...

The First World War in Europe, May 1917
A map illustrating the situation in Europe around May 1917, during the First World War (World War I or The Great War), as the conflict had already raged on for nearly three years. The United States had recently entered the war, beginning...

Map of Europe, 400 CE
Map of Europe in 400 CE

Totalitarian Regimes in Europe in 1939
This map illustrates the geopolitical situation in Europe in the lead-up to the Second World War (1939-45) as authoritarianism and totalitarianism were on the rise across the continent, fueled by political instability, economic crises, and...

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
A view of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust (1941-1945), from the Ministergärten. Designed by New York architect Peter Eisenman, the memorial covers 19,000 square metres...

B17 Flying Fortresses over Europe
A photograph of USAAF Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses flying over Europe during the Second World War (1939-45).

Oldest Mural in Europe
This photo shows a reconstruction of the "Cult Wall" of Ludwigshafen, the oldest mural in Europe. The original painting was created around 3860 BCE, depicting hunting trophies of aurochs and bison, fine textiles, as well as a human torso...

Map of Europe in 220 BC
Approximate borders in Europe around 220 BC. Based on the Pengiun Atlas of History.