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Map of the Mediterranean 218 BCE
Image by Megistias

Map of the Mediterranean 218 BCE

A map of the Mediterranean in 218 BC, showing the territorial extents of the following states: - Antigonids - Attalids - Carthage - Ptolemies - Roman Empire - Seleucids Major battle locations are also shown.
Map of the Mediterranean 550 BC
Image by Javierfv1212

Map of the Mediterranean 550 BC

A map of the Mediterranean around 550 BC, showing the major cultures: Greece and its colonies Phoenicia and its colonies Lydia Egypt Persia Thrace Illyria
An Illustrated Map of the Mediterranean from 700 BCE to 500 CE (From the Novel
Image by David Tollen

An Illustrated Map of the Mediterranean from 700 BCE to 500 CE (From the Novel "The Jericho River")

An illustrated map of the Mediterranean from 700 BCE to 500 CE. From the novel The Jericho River by David Tollen.
Map of Eastern Mediterranean in 1450 CE
Image by MapMaster

Map of Eastern Mediterranean in 1450 CE

Geopolitical climate in the Eastern Mediterranean before the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 CE.
Empires of the Mediterranean, 218 BCE.
Image by Goran tek-en

Empires of the Mediterranean, 218 BCE.

A map showing the various empires throughout the Mediterranean in 218 BCE.
The Assyrian Empire and the Region about the Eastern Mediterranean, 750-625 BC
Image by William R. Shepherd

The Assyrian Empire and the Region about the Eastern Mediterranean, 750-625 BC

The Assyrian Empire and the Region about the Eastern Mediterranean, 750-625 BC.
Dead Sea Scroll Testimonia from Qumran
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Dead Sea Scroll Testimonia from Qumran

Dead Sea Scroll number 175 (4Q175), which was found in Cave 4 at Qumran (Khirbet Qumran or Wadi Qumran), West Bank of the Jordan River, near the north part of the Dead Sea, modern-day State of Israel. It is also known as "The Testimonia"...
Some Active Trade Routes in the Bronze Age Mediterranean
Image by Kelly Macquire

Some Active Trade Routes in the Bronze Age Mediterranean

A map detailing some of the active maritime trade routes in the Aegean during the Middle and Late Bronze Age.
Byzantine Floor Mosaic from Eastern Mediterranean
Image by James Blake Wiener

Byzantine Floor Mosaic from Eastern Mediterranean

This exceptional mosaic likely comes from the floor of a house or public building. It reflects the Late Romand and Early Byzantine taste for intricate and colorful designs. It dates from c. 325-350 CE and is made of limestone tesserae. The...
Mediterranean Map
Image by David Tollen

Mediterranean Map

Mediterranean Map from the novel The Jericho River.