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Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Middle Kingdom of Egypt

The Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE) is considered ancient Egypt's Classical Age during which it produced some of its greatest works of art and literature. Scholars remain divided on which dynasties constitute the Middle Kingdom as some argue...
Middle Eastern Power Shifts & the Trade of Pepper from East to West
Article by James Hancock

Middle Eastern Power Shifts & the Trade of Pepper from East to West

Pepper has long been the king of spices and for almost 2,000 years dominated world trade. Originating in India, it was known in Greece by the 4th century BCE and was an integral part of the Roman diet by 30 BCE. It remained a force in Europe...
Resource Map of the Ancient Middle East
Image by Patrick Goodman

Resource Map of the Ancient Middle East

Map showing some of the major regional resouces of the eastern Mediterranean, the Near East, East Africa, and Central and South Asia.
Map of the Middle East during the Second Fitna (c. 686 CE)
Image by Al Ameer son

Map of the Middle East during the Second Fitna (c. 686 CE)

A map depicting the divisions of the Islamic Empire during the second Islamic civil war - the Second Fitna. The dominions of the Umayyads, Zubayrids, Kharjites, Al Mukhtar and those regained by the Byzantines are shaded in colors as indicated...
Women in the Middle Ages
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Women in the Middle Ages

The lives of women in the Middle Ages were determined by the Church and the aristocracy. The medieval Church provided the 'big picture' of the meaning of life and one's place while the aristocracy ensured that everyone stayed in their respective...
The Rivers of Time:  Early Civilizations in the Middle East
Video by Film Centre

The Rivers of Time: Early Civilizations in the Middle East

Examines the rise of civilization in the Tigris-Euphrates valley in the Middle East. These early civilizations formed around major rivers - the Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia and the Nile in northeastern Africa. Explores the history...
Middle and Southern English Colonies
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Middle and Southern English Colonies

The establishment of the Middle and Southern English Colonies of North America was encouraged by the earlier English settlements of Jamestown Colony of Virginia in the south (founded 1607) and Plymouth Colony and, especially, Massachusetts...
A new beginning for the Middle East: The Cyrus Cylinder and Ancient Persia
Video by The British Museum

A new beginning for the Middle East: The Cyrus Cylinder and Ancient Persia

The Cyrus Cylinder is one of the most famous objects to have survived from the ancient world. It was inscribed in Babylonian cuneiform on the orders of Persian King Cyrus the Great (559-530 BC) after he captured Babylon in 539 BC. The...
Near East
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Near East

The Near East is a modern-age term for the region formerly known as the Middle East comprising Armenia, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and part of Turkey, corresponding to ancient Urartu, Mesopotamia...
Religion in the Middle Ages
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Religion in the Middle Ages

Religion in the Middle Ages, though dominated by the Catholic Church, was far more varied than only orthodox Christianity. In the Early Middle Ages (c. 476-1000), long-established pagan beliefs and practices entwined with those of the new...