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Tel Kabri
Tel Kabri is an archaeological site in the Western Galilee in northwestern Israel and the location of one of the largest palaces in Canaan in the Middle Bronze Age or "MB" (c. 2,000–1,500 BCE), the period in which Tel Kabri was at the height...

Map of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East, c. 1300 BCE
Map of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East c. 1300 BCE, showing the period of Great Powers, with the six large kingdoms and empires (the Hittites, the Mycenaean Civilization, Assyria, Babylonia, Elam and the New Kingdom of Egypt) co-existing...

Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East by Amanda H. Podany
Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East by Amanda H. Podany

Sicilian Temples (Greek Metrology)
Characteristics of Sicilian Archaic Temples The large dimensions of the components, the presence of a propteron, an adyton, and other specific elements of the plan and elevation speak for an originally very autonomous development of Sicilian...

East Pagoda, Yakushiji
The East Pagoda of Yakushiji temple, Nara, Japan. The three-story pagoda is original and dates to the 8th century CE and rises to a height of 33 metres (108 ft).

Interrelations of Kerma and Pharaonic Egypt
The vacillating nature of Ancient Egypt's associations with the Kingdom of Kerma may be described as one of expansion and contraction; a virtual tug-of-war between rival cultures. Structural changes in Egypt's administration led to alternating...

East Asia in the year 1 CE
This map shows the boundaries of all major civilizations in East Asia at the beginning of the first millennium, with italics indicating nomadic bands and other tribal societies.

East India Company Trooper & Sepoy
An 1839 illustration showing a trooper and sepoy (Indian recruit) of the East India Company army. 27th Regiment of Madras Native Infantry. (British Library, London)

East India Company Madras Army
A 19th-century illustration showing officers and sepoys (Indian recruits) of the East India Company's Madras army.

Opium Warehouse of the East India Company
A c. 1850 print showing an opium warehouse of the East India Company in Patna, India. Opium was dried into large balls and then packed into chests for transportation to China.