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Necklaces from the Old Babylonian period
These 3 necklaces were founds inside graves. From Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq. Old-Babylonian period, 2000-1500 BCE. The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq.

Shaft-Hole Axe from Early Dynastic Period
This shaft-hole axe dates back to the early dynastic period,2800-2350 BCE, Mesopotamia, Iraq. (The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq).

Woman from the Hellenistic Period
This terracotta statuette depicts a woman. The woman is recumbent and is naked and wears an elaborate headdress. She looks forward, as if she is talking to someone or looking at something. From Mesopotamia, Iraq. The Hellenistic period, 334-139...

Pottery Jar from Hellenistic period
This partially broken jar dates back to the Hellenistic period, 323-30 BCE. From Mesopotamia, Iraq. (The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq).

Sueki Stoneware from the Kofun Period
Three jars on pedestal platform, made of high-fired stoneware with natural ash glaze, from early 6th century Kofun Period Japan.

Haniwa, Kofun Period
Terracotta Haniwa figure from Kofun Period Japan.

Kofun Period, Gilt Bronze Crown
A gilt bronze crown. Nihon Matsuyama tumulus, Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui, Japan. Kofun Period, 5th century CE. (Tokyo National Museum)

Pottery Cup from Ninevite V Incised Period
This pottery cup was wheel-made and unpainted. It has a pointed base. Excavated by Robin Hamilton and Reginald Thompson in 1930-1931 season. Ninevite 5 period, 2750-2500 BCE. From Nineveh, northern Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq. (The British...

Map of the ancient Near East during the Amarna Period
Map of the ancient Near East during the Amarna Period, showing the great powers of the period: Egypt (green), Hatti (yellow), the Kassite kingdom of Babylon (purple), Assyria (grey), and Mittani (red). Lighter areas show direct control, darker...

Samurai Armour, Sengoku Period
Samurai facemask and armour from the Sengoku period (Warring States Period), 1467-1568 CE. (Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller Museum, Dallas, USA)