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Assyrian Military Campaign in Southern Mesopotamia
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Assyrian Military Campaign in Southern Mesopotamia

The Assyrian king in a chariot watches as prisoners are brought in and heads and booty are piled-up in a palm grove. Neo-Assyrian era, 640-620 BCE, Mesopotamia, Iraq. From Nineveh, south-west palace, court XIX, panels 10-12. (The British...
Total War History: Triplex Acies (Roman Military Tactics)
Video by THFE Productions

Total War History: Triplex Acies (Roman Military Tactics)

The Triplex Acies was the triple battle line employed by roman legions. This formation was the key to Roman military success! It allowed legions to traverse rough terrain while maintaining cohesion and provided a system for reinforcement...
English Civil War Reenactment Battle Display! BIGGEST EVER! Military Odyssey 2013 | HD Video
Video by LivingHistory82

English Civil War Reenactment Battle Display! BIGGEST EVER! Military Odyssey 2013 | HD Video

English Civil War Reenactment Battle Display! BIGGEST EVER! Military Odyssey 2013: The biggest and most impressive English Civil War Battle display I've ever seen! For my video camera is use a Canon EOS 60D DSLR Camera (Canon Digital...
Marian Reforms and their Military Effects
Video by Kings and Generals

Marian Reforms and their Military Effects

By the end of the II century BC, Rome became the dominant state in the Mediterranean, defeating Carthage, Macedon and the Seleucids, yet the internal problems and the arrival of the Germanic Cimbri showed that the victorious Roman legions...
Knights Templar
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Knights Templar

The Knights Templar were established c. 1119 and given papal recognition in 1129. It was a Catholic medieval military order whose members combined martial prowess with a monastic life to defend Christian holy sites and pilgrims in the Middle...
Feudalism in Medieval Japan
Article by Mark Cartwright

Feudalism in Medieval Japan

Feudalism in medieval Japan (1185-1603) is the relationship between lords and vassals where land ownership and its use were exchanged for military service and loyalty. Although present earlier to some degree, the feudal system in Japan was...
The Barracks Emperors
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

The Barracks Emperors

The “Barracks Emperors” is a term coined by later historians referring to the Roman emperors who were chosen and supported by the army during the period known as the Crisis of the Third Century (also known as the Imperial Crisis, 235-284...
Ancient Egyptian Warfare
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Warfare

The Narmer Palette, an ancient Egyptian ceremonial engraving, depicts the great king Narmer (c. 3150 BCE) conquering his enemies with the support and approval of his gods. This piece, dating from c. 3200-3000 BCE, was initially thought to...
Assyrian Warfare
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Assyrian Warfare

Assyria began as a small trading community centered at the ancient city of Ashur and grew to become the greatest empire in the ancient world prior to the conquests of Alexander the Great and, after him, the Roman Empire. While the Assyrians'...
Anglo-Saxon Warfare
Definition by Michael McComb

Anglo-Saxon Warfare

Anglo-Saxon warfare was characterised by frequent and violent conflicts between petty kings, which ultimately led to the rise of larger kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Mercia, the Kingdom of Northumbria, and the Kingdom of Wessex. In early...