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Man Feeding Mule, Byzantine Mosaic
Image by Hagia Sophia Research Team

Man Feeding Mule, Byzantine Mosaic

A man is feeding his mule, Byzantine Mosaic, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th century CE. Place: Constantinople, (Modern Istanbul, Turkey). Great Palace Mosaic Museum, Istanbul, Turkey. The Great Palace Mosaic Museum was inaugurated...
Achilles Revealed Mosaic from Zeugma
Image by Carole Raddato

Achilles Revealed Mosaic from Zeugma

The Achilles Revealed mosaic from Zeugma (southeastern Turkey) depicts Achilles (disguised as a girl) being discovered by Odysseus on Skyros island. The mosaic decorated the bottom of a pool with a waterspout in the impluvium of the House...
Leopards Hunting Deer, Byzantine Mosaic
Image by Hagia Sophia Research Team

Leopards Hunting Deer, Byzantine Mosaic

Leopards hunting a deer, Byzantine Mosaic, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th century CE. Place: Constantinople, (Modern Istanbul, Turkey). Great Palace Mosaic Museum, Istanbul, Turkey. The Great Palace Mosaic Museum was inaugurated in...
Hunting Rabbits, Byzantine Mosaic
Image by Hagia Sophia Research Team

Hunting Rabbits, Byzantine Mosaic

Hunting Rabbits: The dogs are attacking the rabbit on its neck and abdomen. The hunter is depicted having just released the dogs, Byzantine Mosaic, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th. century CE. Place: Constantinople, (Modern Istanbul...
Okapi-headed Leopard-Griffin, Byzantine Mosaic
Image by Hagia Sophia Research Team

Okapi-headed Leopard-Griffin, Byzantine Mosaic

The okapi-headed leopard-griffin, Byzantine Mosaic, Period: Early Byzantine, circa 6th. century CE. Place: Constantinople, (Modern Istanbul, Turkey). Great Palace Mosaic Museum, Istanbul, Turkey. The Great Palace Mosaic Museum was inaugurated...
Byzantine Hoop-trundling Mosaic
Image by Hagia Sophia Research Team

Byzantine Hoop-trundling Mosaic

Hoop-trundling: Four children are trundling hoops in this mosaic panel. Hoop-trundling was a popular sport and believed to be a healthy activity. Two boys are wearing blue shawls while the other two are wearing green ones, which represents...
Centaur, Roman Mosaic
Image by Carole Raddato

Centaur, Roman Mosaic

Roman mosaic found at Hadrian's Villa depicting a pair of centaurs fighting wild cats, c. 130 CE. The mosaic is made of thousands of small, closely set tesserae (1-2 millimiters) called "opus vermiculatum." (Altes Museum, Berlin, Germany.)
Detail of a 6th-century Elephant Mosaic
Image by Carole Raddato

Detail of a 6th-century Elephant Mosaic

Detail of a 6th-century mosaic floor that used to decorate the pavement of the peristyle court of the Palatium Magnum, the Great Palace of Constantinople. The Great Palace Mosaic Museum houses mosaics from the Byzantine period, unearthed...
Fish, Roman Mosaic
Image by Mark Cartwright

Fish, Roman Mosaic

A Roman floor mosaic dating to between 350 and 375 CE and depicting fish. Food was a popular subject in mosiacs throughout the Roman period. Provenance: Toragnola, Rome. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Retiarius Gladiator Mosaic
Image by Carole Raddato

Retiarius Gladiator Mosaic

Roman mosaic, showing a retiarius (net-fighter) named Kalendio and a secutor named Astyanax engaged in a fight to death. The lanista, master of gladiators, cheers them on. The outcome is shown above and confirmed by the inscriptions; the...