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Minaret Top, Ali Mosque, Isfahan
Image by Bruce Allardice (used with permission)

Minaret Top, Ali Mosque, Isfahan

The minaret of the Ali Mosque Manar, Isfahan, Iran (1118-1157 CE). Erected during the reign of Seljuk sultan Sanjar (118-1157 CE). Decorated by two balconies. The shaft below the balconies embellished with interlocking stars in recess, altering...
Djinguereber Mosque, Timbuktu
Image by UN Photo/Marco Dormino

Djinguereber Mosque, Timbuktu

The Djinguereber Mosque, Timbuktu, Mali. The mosque, made from pounded earth and wood, was built during the reign of Mansa Musa (1312-1337 CE), ruler of the Mali Empire. Photo credit: UN Photo/Marco Dormino
Wazir Khan Mosque, Lahore
Image by Hiba Taha Usmani

Wazir Khan Mosque, Lahore

Wazir Khan Mosque, Lahore, Pakistan, built between 1634 and 1641 under the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and named after the renowned physician and later Viceroy of Punjab Hakim Ilmud Din Ansari, who was given the title "Wazir Khan"...
Kairouan Mosque Courtyard
Image by Colin Hepburn

Kairouan Mosque Courtyard

Part of the courtyard of the Great Mosque of Kairouan, modern-day Tunisia, with the main prayer hall. The mosque was established by the Arab general Uqba ibn Nafi in 670 CE along with the town of Kairouan itself, which was used as a base...
Great Mosque, Kilwa
Image by Richard Mortel

Great Mosque, Kilwa

The ruins of the Great Mosque of Kilwa on the Swahili Coast (modern Tanzania). Constructed during the reign of al Hasan ibn Suleiman (r. 1320-1333 CE).
The Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul
Image by Mark Cartwright

The Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul

A panoramic view of the Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul. It was commissioend by Suleiman the Magnificent, sultan of the Ottoman Empire (r. 1520-1566 CE) and completed in 1557 CE.
Minaret, Ali Mosque, Isfahan
Image by Bruce Allardice (used with permission)

Minaret, Ali Mosque, Isfahan

The minaret of the Ali Mosque, Isfahan, Iran. Erected during the reign of Seljuk sultan Sanjar (118-1157 CE). Decorated by two balconies. The shaft below the balconies embellished with interlocking stars in recess, altering to a diamond pattern...
St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque
Image by Doomych

St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque

Muqarnas in the St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque, Russia.
Abbas Mirza Mosque, Yerevan
Image by Unknown Photographer

Abbas Mirza Mosque, Yerevan

Abbas Mirza Mosque in the Erivan fortress (now Yerevan, Armenia), early 20th century.
Jamali Kamali Mosque
Image by Varun Shiv Kapur

Jamali Kamali Mosque

Jamali Kamali mosque, built by Mughal emperors Babur and Humayun between 1528-1529 and 1536. Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.