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Indian Ocean Trade before the European Conquest
Article by James Hancock

Indian Ocean Trade before the European Conquest

Finding a maritime route to the East and gaining access to the lucrative spice trade stood at the root of the European Age of Exploration. However, when Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope and reached the Indian Ocean in 1493, he...
William the Conqueror's March on London
Article by Mark Cartwright

William the Conqueror's March on London

William the Conqueror (r. 1066-1087 CE) was victorious at the Battle of Hastings in October 1066 CE, and Harold Godwinson, King Harold II of England (r. Jan - Oct 1066 CE) was dead. The English throne and kingdom were there for the taking...
Edward the Confessor
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Edward the Confessor

Edward the Confessor, also known as Saint Edward the Confessor, reigned as king of England from 1042 to 1066 CE. Edward was reliant on the powerful Godwine (aka Godwin) family to keep his kingdom together but his achievements included a relatively...
William the Conqueror & the Ely Rebellion
Article by Mark Cartwright

William the Conqueror & the Ely Rebellion

By early 1070 CE William I (r. 1066-1087 CE) had almost completed the Norman conquest of England. There remained threats from the border regions with Wales and Scotland but the north of England had finally be subdued by the ruthless harrying...
Saint Margaret of Scotland
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Saint Margaret of Scotland

Saint Margaret of Scotland (c. 1046-1093 CE) was, as the second wife of Malcolm III (r. 1058-1093 CE), the queen of Scotland from 1070 CE until her death in November 1093 CE. A princess of the royal house of Wessex, she brought Anglo-Saxon...
Spanish Conquest & Exploration in North America in the 16th century
Image by Simeon Netchev

Spanish Conquest & Exploration in North America in the 16th century

A map illustrating Spain’s drive to expand its empire following the 1492 Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula and Columbus's discovery of America. Inspired by tales of land and instant riches, thousands flocked to the New World with hopes...
Alexios I Komnenos
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Alexios I Komnenos

Alexios I Komnenos (Alexius Comnenus) was emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 1081 to 1118 CE. Regarded as one of the great Byzantine rulers, Alexios defeated the Normans, the Pechenegs, and, with the help of the First Crusaders, the Seljuks...
William II of England
Definition by Mark Cartwright

William II of England

William II of England, sometimes called William 'Rufus' for his red hair and complexion, reigned as the king of England from 1087 to 1100 CE. The son of William the Conqueror (r. 1066-1087 CE), the younger William was loyal to his father...
Interview: Conquering the Ocean by Richard Hingley
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Interview: Conquering the Ocean by Richard Hingley

In this interview, World History Encyclopedia sits down with author Richard Hingly to chat about his new book Conquering the Ocean: The Roman Invasion of Britain published by Oxford University Press. Kelly: Do you want to tell us a bit about...
Roman Conquest & Rule in Gaul, c. 200 CE
Image by Simeon Netchev

Roman Conquest & Rule in Gaul, c. 200 CE

This map illustrates the administrative and geopolitical situation in Roman Gaul two centuries after the Roman conquest, which began with Julius Caesar's campaigns (58–51 BCE), bringing the region under Roman control. By 200 CE, Gaul was...