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Map of the Olmec Civilization
Image by Simeon Netchev

Map of the Olmec Civilization

This map illustrates the rise and extent of the Olmec civilization, which flourished from around 1200 to 400 BCE (the earliest Olmec finds near the San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán sites, date back to c.1600) in the present-day Gulf Coast in the...
Chavin Civilization Map
Image by Zenyu

Chavin Civilization Map

A map showing the extent of the Chavin civilization (900-200 BCE) and its religious centre Chavin de Huantar, a celebrated site of pilgrimage.
Harappan Civilization (Artist's Impression)
Image by Amplitude Studios

Harappan Civilization (Artist's Impression)

An artist's impression of Harappa and the Indus Valley Civilization, depicting fields and cities in ancient India. Created by Amplitude Studios for the video game Humankind.
Major Indo Iranian Neolithic Sites & the Indus Civilization
Image by John Huntington

Major Indo Iranian Neolithic Sites & the Indus Civilization

The map shows the extent of the Harappan or Indus Civilization along with the various neolithic sites in the region.
Nazca Civilization Map
Image by Wikipedia User: Cookie

Nazca Civilization Map

A map indicating the location of the Nazca civilization, 200 BCE - 500 CE, on the southern coast of Peru.
Sumerian Civilization, c. 4300 - 2335 BCE
Image by Simeon Netchev

Sumerian Civilization, c. 4300 - 2335 BCE

A map illustrating the emergence of the Sumerian civilization around 6000 BCE from a collection of city-states on the floodplains of southern Mesopotamia, along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in the area that was to later become the Akkadian...
Indus Valley Civilization - Mature Harappan Phase
Image by Avantiputra7

Indus Valley Civilization - Mature Harappan Phase

Map of the Indus Valley Civilization, Mature Harappan Phase
Etruscan Civilization
Image by NormanEinstein

Etruscan Civilization

A map showing the extent of Etruria and the Etruscan civilization. The map includes the 12 cities of the Etruscan League and notable cities founded by the Etruscans. Based on a map from The National Geographic Magazine Vol.173 No.6 June...
Second-Wave Civilization Natural Resources and Trade
Image by Simeon Netchev

Second-Wave Civilization Natural Resources and Trade

A map illustrating the rise and spread of the Second Wave Civilizations between c. 500 BCE and 200 CE (including the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Chinese, and India) with the flows of trade in major goods and resources.
Tumbaga Bells of the Tairona Civilization
Image by MetMuseum

Tumbaga Bells of the Tairona Civilization

Bells made from an alloy of gold and copper (tumbaga) by the Tairona people of Colombia. c. 1500 A.D.