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Ottoman Infantry Coat of Arms (1882-1922 CE)
Image by Juris Tiltins

Ottoman Infantry Coat of Arms (1882-1922 CE)

A typical military sign from the Ottoman Empire known as "arma" (this Homeric Greek expression itself reflects a symbol adopted under influence from abroad). Used in the Turkish army (infantry) and displayed on the reverse side of the battalion...
Greek Theatre Architecture
Article by Mark Cartwright

Greek Theatre Architecture

The ancient Greeks built open-air theatres where the public could watch the performances of Greek comedy, tragedy, and satyr plays. They then exported the idea to their colonies throughout the Aegean so that theatres became a typical feature...
Chola Art & Architecture
Article by Mark Merrony

Chola Art & Architecture

Like many great civilisations, the origins of the Chola, a Tamil Hindu dynasty in southern India, are shrouded in the temporal mists of uncertainty and obscurity. It is however known that they were influential from at least the 3rd century...
Harappa: An Overview of Harappan Architecture & Town Planning
Article by Muhammad Bin Naveed

Harappa: An Overview of Harappan Architecture & Town Planning

Harappa is a large village presently in the province of Punjab in Pakistan. The modern town is a part of and lies next to the ancient city. The site of Harappa is important in that it has provided proof of not just the Indus Valley Civilization...
Roman Innovations and Architecture
Lesson Pack by Marion Wadowski

Roman Innovations and Architecture

We have prepared two lesson plans including classroom activities, assignments, homework, and keys as well as: Glossary of keywords and concepts in an excel format Open questions adaptable for debates, presentations, and essays Recommended...
An Illustrated Glossary of Castle Architecture
Article by Mark Cartwright

An Illustrated Glossary of Castle Architecture

Alure (Wall Walk) The walkway along the higher and interior part of a wall which often gives access to the higher floors of towers within the wall. Typically protected by battlements. Apse A semicircular projecting part of a building...
Osman I
Definition by Zain Khokhar

Osman I

Osman I, also known as Osman Gazi (c. 1258 - c. 1323 CE), was the founder and first Sultan of the Ottoman Beylik, which would rise to eventually become the Ottoman Empire. He was the ruler of a small Turkic principality among many in the...
Ottoman Sipahi Cavalry
Image by Józef Brandt

Ottoman Sipahi Cavalry

16-17 century CE Ottoman sipahis in battle at Vienna, holding the crescent banner (by Józef Brandt)
Mamluk or Ottoman Cavalry
Image by Richard Mortel

Mamluk or Ottoman Cavalry

Armour for a cavalryman and his horse, produced c. 1500 CE. From the Mamluk Sultanate or Ottoman Empire. Collection of the Hermitage Amsterdam.
Ottoman Tiles Representing the Kaaba
Image by Anonymous

Ottoman Tiles Representing the Kaaba

It is a decorated tile from the 17th Century CE, during Ottoman era, it depicts the Ka'aba - the cubical mosque and Muslim sacred site in Mecca, Arabia.