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The Jeweled Isle: Art from Sri Lanka Exhibition, LACMA [1]
Installation photograph, The Jeweled Isle: Art from Sri Lanka, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, December 5, 2018–June 23, 2019, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA
The Jeweled Isle: Art from Sri Lanka Exhibition, LACMA [2]
Installation photograph, The Jeweled Isle: Art from Sri Lanka, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, December 5, 2018–June 23, 2019, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA
The Jeweled Isle: Art from Sri Lanka Exhibition, LACMA [3]
Installation photograph, The Jeweled Isle: Art from Sri Lanka, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, December 5, 2018–June 23, 2019, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA
The Art of War by Sun-Tzu
A bamboo version of 'The Art of War' (composed late 6th century BCE) widely attributed to the Chinese military strategist Sun-Tzu. (University of California, Riverside)
Ancient Posterior from the 'Naked! The Art of Nudity' Antikenmuseum Exhibition
The naked rear of a female figure. On display as part of the 2018 CE exhibition 'Naked! The Art of Nudity' at the Antikenmuseum, Basel, Switzerland.
© Ruedi Habegger, Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig
Rock Art Depicting a Horned Serpent
Rock art depicting a horned serpent, at Pony Hills and Cook's Peak, New Mexico. The horned serpent features in several Cherokee tales, where it is known as Uktena.
Photograph by E. Kay Luther, 2006.
National Museum of Roman Art in Mérida, Spain
Main hall of the National Museum of Roman Art in Mérida (Spanish: Museo Nacional de Arte Romano), Spain. Inaugurated in 1986, the magnificent building, reflecting certain aspects of Roman architecture, occupies some 5000 m² ((53819 ft²...
Jain art
Marble carving in a Jain temple complex located in Ranakpur, Rajasthan, India.
De Re Coquinaria ('The Art of Cooking')
1541 CE manuscript of Apicius' De Re Coquinaria - a Roman cookbook - here named De Re Culinaria.
San rock art
San rock painting of an eland found in Drakensberg, South Africa.