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Treasure Ports of the Spanish Main
Article by Mark Cartwright

Treasure Ports of the Spanish Main

The treasure ports of the Spanish Main such as Cartagena, Portobelo, Panama, and Veracruz were used to collect the riches the Spanish Empire had extracted from the Americas, ready for transport in the two annual treasure fleets back to Europe...
Fish Sauce in the Ancient World
Article by Declan Henesy

Fish Sauce in the Ancient World

The production and trade of fish sauce in the ancient world was a significant and widespread industry, stretching from Britain to the Black Sea. Roman fish sauce, known as garum, was one of the most popular and commonly used ingredients in...
Francis Drake's Circumnavigation of the Globe
Article by Mark Cartwright

Francis Drake's Circumnavigation of the Globe

The English mariner, privateer, and explorer Francis Drake (c. 1540-1596 CE) made his circumnavigation of the world between 1577 and 1580 CE. Only the second to achieve this feat after the expedition of the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan...
The French Exploration of New Zealand
Article by Kim Martins

The French Exploration of New Zealand

The French exploration of New Zealand has been overshadowed by the achievements of British navigator Captain James Cook (1728-1779), but French navigators who visited Aotearoa's (New Zealand) shores named over 100 geographical places and...
Empire's Mistress, Starring Isabel Rosario Cooper
Book Review ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ by Zhihui Zou

Empire's Mistress, Starring Isabel Rosario Cooper

Born in January 1914, Isabel Cooper grew up in the Philippines and supported herself through working in the entertainment industry, performing, singing, and acting since her early teenage years. She earned fame when acting in the first Philippine...