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The Secret History of the Mongols Casket
Image by Xylan2016

The Secret History of the Mongols Casket

The ornate casket containing the 'Secret History of the Mongols' which is a chronicle written in the 13th century CE (with some later additions) and is the most important and oldest medieval Mongolian text. (Government Building, Ulaanbaatar...
4 Women of the French Revolution
Article by Harrison W. Mark

4 Women of the French Revolution

The French Revolution (1789-1799) sought to dismantle the oppressive society of the old regime and build a new world based on the principles of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". This push for societal change led to a burgeoning feminist movement...
World History Encyclopedia
Image by Jan van der Crabben

World History Encyclopedia

Ancient History Encyclopedia is changing its name to World History Encyclopedia on 25 February 2021.
When Money Talks: A History of Coins and Numismatics with Frank Holt
Video by Kelly Macquire

When Money Talks: A History of Coins and Numismatics with Frank Holt

When Money Talks: A History of Coins and Numismatics by Frank Holt explores the history of coins from their first invention in ancient Lydia, all the way up to cryptocurrency and the future of coinage. Though coins may seem mundane and the...
The History and Description of Africa by Leo Africanus
Image by Clare Britt

The History and Description of Africa by Leo Africanus

An early title page from The History and Description of Africa by Leo Africanus (1485-1554), first published in 1526.
When Money Talks: A History of Coins and Numismatics
Image by Frank Holt

When Money Talks: A History of Coins and Numismatics

When Money Talks: A History of Coins and Numismatics by Frank Holt.
In the Forest - a Cultural History Exhibition, Zürich
Image by Swiss National Musuem

In the Forest - a Cultural History Exhibition, Zürich

A photograph showing a room of the 2022 exhibition In the Forest - A Cultural History in the Swiss National Museum, Zürich. ©Swiss National Museum (used with permission)
Maya Government
Definition by Maria C. Gomez

Maya Government

Ancient Maya government was formed on the basis that rulers were thought to have been god-like, which to some might suggest one unified state. However, the consensus amongst anthropologists supports that each major Maya city remained its...
Women in the American Revolution
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Women in the American Revolution

In Colonial America, women were discouraged from taking an interest in politics and were instead expected to focus only on traditionally 'feminine' matters, such as homemaking and childrearing. However, such gender roles were challenged during...
New Name: World History Encyclopedia!
Video by Kelly Macquire

New Name: World History Encyclopedia!

We have some really exciting things happening, and the biggest one is our new name: World History Encyclopedia. We have covered much of the ancient world, and are now working on Medieval, Renaissance, Early Modern Europe and Colonial so it...