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Oldowan Tools
Definition by Ralf Rotheimer

Oldowan Tools

The appearance of simple stone tools, widely known as Oldowan tools or the Oldowan industry, marked the beginning of our technological revolution. To our knowledge, these artifacts appeared around 2.6 million years ago in the savannahs of...
Prehistoric Isles of Scilly
Image Gallery by Jan van der Crabben

Prehistoric Isles of Scilly

The Isles of Scilly are a small island group west of Cornwall. Despite their small size, they abound in prehistoric sites dating from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age, including cairns, burial chambers and passage graves. While prehistoric...
Bronze Age Sicily
Article by Salvatore Piccolo

Bronze Age Sicily

The Bronze Age in Sicily, considered one of the most important periods of the island's prehistory, witnessed the establishment of a unitary and in some ways artistically vibrant culture. The three main phases of the period take their name...
Ancestors: A Prehistory of Britain in Seven Burials
Book Review ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ by Kelly Macquire

Ancestors: A Prehistory of Britain in Seven Burials

Ancestors: A History of Britain in Seven Burials is a focused yet detailed look at the prehistory of Britain, particularly what burials, skeletons, ancient DNA, and human remains can reveal about the long-spanning time from the Palaeolithic...
Definition by Salvatore Piccolo


A dolmen is a megalithic structure typically formed from a large horizontal stone slab resting on two or more upright slabs. The oldest European examples are found in Brittany, northern France, and date to the 5th millennium BCE. Dolmens...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Carnac, located on the north-west coast of France, is the site of the largest concentration of megalithic monuments in the world. Over 100 monuments, which include burial mounds, stone tombs, enclosures, and linear arrangements of menhirs...
Malta: Prehistory and Temples (Malta's Living Heritage)
Book Review ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ by Nick Brown

Malta: Prehistory and Temples (Malta's Living Heritage)

How could a Neolithic society operating at a level that produced only slightly more than subsistence level support such complex architecture and art far in advance of that of the nearest and more distant cultures? This is the question David...
Creeping Hyena Spear Thrower of La Madeleine
Image by Enigma51

Creeping Hyena Spear Thrower of La Madeleine

This 'creeping hyena' forms the highly decorated butt-end of an Upper Paleolithic spear thrower (also known as atlatl). The hook used to propel the spear is clearly visible. It was found at La Madeleine rock shelter in Tursac, Dordogne, France...
Stična Breastplate
Image by Claudia Plamp

Stična Breastplate

The Stična Breastplate is a 6th Century BCE bronze cuirass from Stična, Slovenia. The cuirass is decorated with anatomical details, not unlike a Greek "muscle cuirass". The breastplate comes from a Hallstatt warrior's grave. This piece...
Ancient Greek Theatre
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Ancient Greek Theatre

Greek theatre began in the 6th century BCE in Athens with the performance of tragedy plays at religious festivals. These, in turn, inspired the genre of Greek comedy plays. The two types of Greek drama would be hugely popular and performances...