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Ra (Egyptian God)
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ra (Egyptian God)

Ra (also given as Re) is the sun god of ancient Egypt. He is one of the oldest deities in the Egyptian pantheon and was later merged with others such as Horus, becoming Ra-Horakhty (the morning sun), Amun (as noonday sun), and Atum (the evening...
Ra-Horakhty Stela
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Ra-Horakhty Stela

This painted stela shows the seated falcon-headed Ra-Horakhty. Ra-Horakhty combines the sun god Ra with Horus, the sky god, and is believed to coincide with the popularity of sun worship in ancient Egypt. From Thebes, Egypt, 8th to 4th century...
Ra Travelling Through the Underworld
Image by Unknown Artist

Ra Travelling Through the Underworld

Ra travelling through the underworld in his barque, from the copy of the Book of Gates in the tomb of Ramses I, Egypt, c. 1290 BCE.
Depiction of Ra Horakhty
Image by The Yorck Project

Depiction of Ra Horakhty

A relief portraying Ra or Ra Horakhty, with the goddess Imentet seated behind him. From the Tomb of Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens. Thebes, Egypt. 19th Dynasty (1292-1186 BCE).
Amenhotep II & Thutmose III offering to Amun-Ra & Ra-Harachte
Image by Carole Raddato

Amenhotep II & Thutmose III offering to Amun-Ra & Ra-Harachte

Relief in the Temple of Amada depicting Amenhotep II (1427-1401 BCE) making an offering to Amun-Ra while his father on the right Thutmose III (r. 1458-1425 BCE) makes an offering to Ra-Harachte. The Temple of Amada is the oldest temple ever...
Stela Showing Amun-Ra, Mut & Khonsu
Image by Liana Miate

Stela Showing Amun-Ra, Mut & Khonsu

Stela Showing Amun-Ra, Mut & Khonsu Period, about 141-116 BCE. Xois, Egypt. Pharaoh Ptolemy VIII (170-116 BCE) is shown making an offering of Maat (a symbol of truth and justice) to the divine family Amun-Ra, Mut & Khonsu. He is followed...
Relief of Amun-Ra, Valley of the Kings
Image by Morgan Schmorgan

Relief of Amun-Ra, Valley of the Kings

A relief depicting Amun-Ra, from the Tomb of Ramesses IX (r. 1129–1111 BCE) in the Valley of the Kings. Thebes, Egypt.
King Horemheb with Amun-Ra
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

King Horemheb with Amun-Ra

King Horemheb with Amun-Ra, probably from the temple of Amun-Ra at Thebes, Karnak, possibly usurped from Tutankhamun (c. 1336-1327 BCE), 18th Dynasty, c. 1323-1295 BCE. The inscriptions identify the headless king as Horemheb and the larger...
Temple of Amun Ra and Ra Harmakhis
Image by UNESCO / van der Haagen

Temple of Amun Ra and Ra Harmakhis

This temple was constructed in the Valley of the Lions by Ramesses II (c. 1250 BCE) in honour of the gods Amun Ra and Ra Harmakhis. The back of the temple is hollowed out in the rock. In the foreground stands the king's statue and a "dromos"...
Barque of Ra
Image by CESRAS Russian Academy of Sciences

Barque of Ra

The solar barque of Ra. Outer Coffin of Isetemkheb D (Royal Cache TT 320, Deir el-Bahari), Egyptian Museum, CG 610031.