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Caesarea Maritima's Role in the Roman Empire
Article by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.

Caesarea Maritima's Role in the Roman Empire

Caesarea Maritima, the city Herod the Great (r. 37-4 BCE) built for Rome on the southeastern coast of the Mediterranean served as the Roman Empire's powerbase of operations both commercially and militarily. With Rome's ultimate goal of adding...
The Roman Empire in West Africa
Article by Arienne King

The Roman Empire in West Africa

At its fullest extent, the Roman Empire stretched from around modern-day Aswan, Egypt at its southernmost point to Great Britain in the north but the influence of the Roman Empire went far beyond even the borders of its provinces as a result...
Roman Constitution
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Roman Constitution

Roman constitution was an accumulation of laws, legal decisions, and ancient customs. While today 'constitution' usually refers to a single act of legislation, this was not the case in ancient Rome. Instead, Roman government relied on the...
Roman Warfare in the Age of Pyrrhus
Article by Christopher L. Serafin

Roman Warfare in the Age of Pyrrhus

The Roman army fought many conflicts throughout its long history, though perhaps none so indelible as the Pyrrhic War from 280 to 275 BCE. This war between Rome and a league of Greek colonies in southern Italy led by the city of Tarentum...
The Batavian Revolt
Article by Jona Lendering

The Batavian Revolt

Batavian revolt was a rebellion of the Batavians against the Romans in 69-70 CE. After initial successes by their commander Julius Civilis, the Batavians were ultimately defeated by the Roman general Quintus Petillius Cerialis. The year...
Roman Republic
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Roman Republic

In the late 6th century BCE, the small city-state of Rome overthrew the shackles of monarchy and created a republican government that, in theory if not always in practice, represented the wishes of its citizens. From this basis the city would...
Roman Invective
Definition by Borgies Loïc

Roman Invective

Roman invective (uituperatio lat.) was the rhetorical and literary genre that aimed at systematically and publicly blaming a political foe to set him aside from the whole community and turn the audience against him during judicial, forensic...
Roman Legionary
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Roman Legionary

The Roman legionary was a well-trained and disciplined foot soldier, fighting as part of a professional well-organized unit, the legion (Latin: legio), established by the Marian Reforms. While major tactical changes appeared during the final...
The Splendours of Roman Algeria
Article by Carole Raddato

The Splendours of Roman Algeria

Algeria, Africa's largest country, stretches from the Mediterranean coastline to the Saharan desert interior. The country has some of the finest and most diverse Roman sites, including Timgad and Djémila, both well-preserved and UNESCO-listed...
Roman Auxiliary Cavalry
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Roman Auxiliary Cavalry

The Roman army consisted of three separate divisions: the famed legions, the cavalry, and lastly, the auxiliaries. The auxiliaries (auxilia) were comprised of infantry cohorts, mounted infantry, and cavalry units or wings (alae). Although...