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Roman Forum
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Roman Forum

The Roman Forum or Forum Romanum of ancient Rome was the bustling religious, administrative, legal, and commercial heart of the city from the 7th century BCE onwards. Made increasingly grandiose and ceremonial in function by the Imperial...
Banking in the Roman World
Article by Victor Labate

Banking in the Roman World

Just as in other ancient civilizations, the first banks in Rome began in the temples consecrated to the ancient Gods. Many temples held in their basements the Romans' money and treasure, and were involved in banking activities such as lending...
Hellenistic & Roman Agora of Athens
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Hellenistic & Roman Agora of Athens

Pericles’ agora of Athens flourished under Macedonian control. After Macedon was defeated by Rome, the Romans added to the district even before Greece was taken as a province and more so afterwards. The Roman version of the agora continued...
The Battle of Zama - The Beginning of Roman Conquest
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Battle of Zama - The Beginning of Roman Conquest

The Battle of Zama (202 BCE) was the final engagement of the Second Punic War (218-202 BCE) at which Hannibal Barca of Carthage (l. 247-183 BCE) was defeated by Scipio Africanus of Rome (l. 236-183 BCE) ending the conflict in Rome's favor...
Ten Ancient Rome Facts You Need to Know
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten Ancient Rome Facts You Need to Know

Ancient Roman culture affected vast numbers of people across the known world of its time, beginning with the rise of the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) and throughout the duration of the Roman Empire (27 BCE - c. 476 CE in the West and 1453...
Ancient Roman Society
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Roman Society

Rome began as a small city on the banks of the Tiber River in Italy. The Latin tribes (also known as the Latini or Latians) inhabited the region c. 1000 BCE but the founding of the city is dated to 753 BCE. The family was the center and foundation...
Gibbon's Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Gibbon's Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire

The English historian Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) wrote and published his seminal work History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire between 1776 and 1788. The dominant theme of Gibbon's six-volume work is that the fall of the Roman Empire...
Boxing in the Roman Empire
Article by Matthew Vivonia

Boxing in the Roman Empire

Boxing is one of the oldest sports in the world that is still practiced today. Included in the original athletic contests of the Olympic Games, pugilism or boxing was well known and loved by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The style used in...
Roman Expeditions in Sub-Saharan Africa
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Roman Expeditions in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa was explored by Roman expeditions between 19 BCE - 90 CE, most likely in an effort to locate the sources of valuable trade goods and establish routes to bring them to the seaports on the coast of North Africa, thereby minimizing...
Pax Romana - Web Quest
Worksheet/Activity by Marion Wadowski

Pax Romana - Web Quest

This activity has been designed to fit a 20-minute slot for your class and is suitable for both online and classroom teaching, as well as homeschooling. Students have to complete a web quest, based on multiple articles (also available as...