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Junkers Ju 88 North Africa
Image by Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-417-1766-03A / Ellerbrock

Junkers Ju 88 North Africa

A Junkers Ju 88 bomber photographed in North Africa during the Second World War (1939-45). (German Federal Archives)
British Soldiers in North Africa, 1940
Image by Imperial War Museums

British Soldiers in North Africa, 1940

A July 1940 photograph of British soldiers with an armoured car in North Africa during the Western Desert Campaigns of the Second World War (1939-45). (Imperial War Museums)
Wall Reliefs: Apkallus of the North-West Palace at Nimrud
Article by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Wall Reliefs: Apkallus of the North-West Palace at Nimrud

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. (Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right). When it comes to religion, many people...
Hurricane Maintenance, North Africa
Image by Imperial War Museums

Hurricane Maintenance, North Africa

A 1941 photograph of maintenance being carried out on a Hawker Hurricane fighter in Libya during the North African campaign in the Second World War (1939-45). (Imperial War Museums)
The Empires of West Africa
Collection by Mark Cartwright

The Empires of West Africa

The ancient and medieval Mediterranean might have been a bustling stage of ever-changing empires but, across the inhospitable barrier of the Sahara Desert, West Africans were equally busy building up and toppling down their own kingdoms and...
Ten North American Native Inventions You Need to Know
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten North American Native Inventions You Need to Know

The Native Peoples of North America raised cities, built roads, and developed highly sophisticated cultures which encouraged the invention of many items often taken for granted or whose origins are overlooked in the modern day, from aspirin...
Leo Africanus
Definition by Sikeena Karmali Ahmed

Leo Africanus

Leo Africanus (al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Wazzan al-Fasi al-Granati, 1485-1554) was a diplomat, merchant traveller and scholar who famously voyaged from Timbuktu to the Niger River and wrote 'The Description of Africa' (La Descrittione...
Ten North American Native Facts You Need To Know
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten North American Native Facts You Need To Know

The history and culture of the Native Peoples of North America are often overlooked as they have been largely eclipsed by the history of the European settlers who colonized the region beginning in the 17th century. The original inhabitants...
William the Conqueror's Harrying of the North
Article by Mark Cartwright

William the Conqueror's Harrying of the North

By the end of 1066 CE William the Conqueror had won a decisive victory at the Battle of Hastings, subdued the south-east of England and been crowned King William I in Westminster Abbey but there remained rebellion in the air throughout 1067...
Africa in World War Two
Image by Simeon Netchev

Africa in World War Two

This map illustrates the geopolitical situations and theaters of conflict in Africa during World War II. The continent saw various military campaigns and battles, notably in North and West Africa, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and Madagascar...