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First Battle of El Alamein
The First Battle of El Alamein (1-27 July 1942) was a series of encounters during the Second World War (1939-1945) in Egypt between Allied and Axis forces. The battle, focussed around the El Alamein defensive line, ended without a decisive...

The History and Description of Africa by Leo Africanus
An early title page from The History and Description of Africa by Leo Africanus (1485-1554), first published in 1526.

Roman Trade with Africa DOCUMENTARY
We are continuing our new animated historical documentary series on the Roman trade and economy with a video on the trade with Africa. Previously we have covered the Roman trade with India and the...

Afrika Korps
The Deutsches Afrika Korps (DAK) was an elite German armoured unit that fought in North Africa during the Second World War (1939-45). The Korps was initially led by Erwin Rommel (1891-1944) before he was promoted to lead a larger force of...

Portuguese Angola
Portuguese Angola in southwest Africa was the first European colony on that continent. While settlement from 1571 proved problematic in the interior, the Portuguese did obtain a large number of slaves which they shipped to their Atlantic...

The Rise and Fall of the Ghana Empire of West Africa
Did you know that the rulers of the Ghana Empire were so rich they were known as Kings of Gold? This video is all about the rise and fall of the great Ghana Empire, once known as the land of gold. The Ghana Empire flourished in West Africa...

Africa after The Treaty of Versailles, c.1920
A map illustrating the geopolitical situation in Africa after World War I - the continent still under European colonial domination, with only a few areas having gained independence or achieved limited autonomy. Although many African soldiers...

Olive Oil Amphora From Africa
Olive oil amphora from Africa and found at Ostia. 3rd century CE. Museo delle Navi Romane di Fiumicino. (National Maritime Museum, Sydney Australia) This amphora is stamped with its place of manufacture; Sullechtum in the Roman province...

Origins of World Agriculture
Agriculture arose independently at several locations across the world, beginning about 12,000 years ago. The first crops and livestock were domesticated in six rather diffuse areas including the Near East, China, Southeast Asia, and Africa...

Biface from Blombos Cave, South Africa
Biface from Blombos Cave, South Africa. It belongs to the Africa Middle Stone Age (MSA) tool culture and has been dated to c. 71,000 years old.