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Egyptian Balla Pottery
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Egyptian Balla Pottery

Ballas ware ovoid pottery pot; they had constricted neck and almost vertical collar above. The surface was incised with decorations. From tomb 263 at El-Kab, Egypt. 12th Dynasty, 1991–1803 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London...
Horned-Serpent Pottery Vessel
Image by Sailko

Horned-Serpent Pottery Vessel

A pottery vessel decorated with a horned serpent. The serpent, horned serpent, and water serpent figure is common to the legends of all Native American Nations in North America. From the United States or Mexico, c. 1280 to c. 1450. (Art Institute...
Longshan Black Pottery Vase
Image by The British Museum

Longshan Black Pottery Vase

A black pottery vessel produced by the Longshan culture of north-east China, 2nd millennium BCE. Height: 14 cm. (British Museum, London)
Fragment of a Phrygian Goose-Headed Pottery
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Fragment of a Phrygian Goose-Headed Pottery

Only this part of a reddish painted pottery has survived. This is a goose's (or duck's) head. From Samsun, Black Sea Region, in modern-day Turkey. Phrygian, 5th to 4th century BCE. (The British Museum, London).
Egyptian Pottery Soul House
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Egyptian Pottery Soul House

Redware pottery depicting the so-called "soul house", from E-Kab, Egypt, 11th to 12th Dynasties, 2024-1700 BCE. It has flattened pellets representing a loop of wood. One of the two pillars which supports the roof is lost. Mr. Petrie thought...
Pottery Plate with a Seated Sphinx
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Pottery Plate with a Seated Sphinx

Pottery plate with a seated sphinx, made in Greece, 6th century BCE, found in the Sanctuary of Aphrodite, Naukratis, Egypt. The British Museum, London.
Pottery Vessel from Ninevite V Culture
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Pottery Vessel from Ninevite V Culture

This peculiar pottery vessel was found at Nineveh, Iraq. The surface is painted with different geometric shapes. Ninevite V period/culture of Upper Mesopotamia, c. 2900-2600 BCE. On display at the Iraq Museum in Baghdad.
Phrygian Pottery Vessel
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Phrygian Pottery Vessel

This is a painted pottery bird-shaped vessel. The bird's feathers are indicated by the brown pigment. The orifice of the vessel lies below the tail. From Phrygia, Central Anatolia, in modern-day Turkey. Phrygian, 8th to 7th century BCE. (The...
Pottery from Nimrud
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Pottery from Nimrud

This pottery was found in the city of Nimrud (the Assyrian capital), northern Mesopotamia, Iraq. Note the writings and acquisition numbers on it. Neo-Assyrian period, 911-609 BCE. From Mesopotamia, Iraq. The Sulaymaniyah Museum, Iraq.
Pottery Tomb
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Pottery Tomb

This pottery tomb is composed of two parts and is in the shape of an egg. It was probably used for burying dead children. From Tell Qaling Agha at modern Erbil Governorate, Iraq. 3500-3100 BCE. Erbil Civilization Museum, Iraq.