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Saint Margaret of Scotland
Saint Margaret of Scotland (c. 1046-1093 CE) was, as the second wife of Malcolm III (r. 1058-1093 CE), the queen of Scotland from 1070 CE until her death in November 1093 CE. A princess of the royal house of Wessex, she brought Anglo-Saxon...
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick (5th century) is the best-known patron saint of Ireland and one of the most successful Christian missionaries in history. He is credited with expanding literacy in Ireland through the monastic orders he established, revising...
Saint Augustine of Hippo & His Confession of Faith
Few theologians have attained as much renown and influence in history as Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE), a 'Doctor' of the Catholic Church and simply known by his peers as 'The Knowledgeable One.' A brilliant man who never sought to...
Saint Boniface
Saint Boniface (born as Wynfreth, l. 672-754) is one of the most famous saints in the Netherlands. He helped Pope Gregory II (r. 715-731), who was keen to convert pagan Germanic tribes, to achieve his goal, the Christianization of Europe...
Saint Cyril & Saint Methodius
A modern sculpture representing the 9th century CE Byzantine missionaries Saint Cyril (d. 867 CE) and his brother Saint Methodius. Khanty-Mansisyk, Russia.
Interview: Ariadne by Jennifer Saint
World History Encyclopedia is joined by Jennifer Saint, who is going to tell us all about her debut novel Ariadne. Kelly (WHE): Do you want to tell us a little bit about the book? Jennifer Saint (author): The book is a retelling of the...
Cartoon of George IV of Great Britain
A 1792 cartoon by James Gillray showing the future George IV of Great Britain (r. 1820-30). George was fond of over-eating and drinking and his obesity here is in stark contrast to his official portraits. (Library of Congress)
Handel & George I
A 19th-century illustration showing the composer George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) with George I of Great Britain (r. 1714-1727) in 1717. Handel performed his Water Music for the king during a trip along the River Thames.
Pulling Down the Statue of King George III
On 9 July 1776, American Patriots and Sons of Liberty pull down the statue of King George III of Great Britain in New York City, shortly after George Washington read the United States Declaration of Independence. Two months later, the British...
In Search of the Promised Land: Saint Brendan’s Voyage
Between the 9th and the 10th century CE, in an unknown European abbey, an anonymous author told the story of an Irish monk and his 14 companions who embarked on a dangerous journey in the 5th century CE. The monk's name was Brendan, and his...