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The Vision of Saint Bruno
Image by Pier Francesco Mola

The Vision of Saint Bruno

The Vision of Saint Bruno, oil on canvas by Pier Francesco Mola, c. 1660. Getty Center, Los Angeles, California.
Saint Gregory the Illuminator
Image by G.dallorto

Saint Gregory the Illuminator

A 14th century CE Byzantine mosaic of Saint Gregory the Illuminator (d. c. 330 CE), first bishop of the Armenian church. (Museum of Pammacaristos Church, Istanbul)
Interior of the Abbey of Saint John at Müstair
Image by Llorenzi

Interior of the Abbey of Saint John at Müstair

Interior of the conventual church at the Abbey of Saint John at Müstair, Switzerland, which was founded as a Benedictine monastery in the late 8th century CE. This part displays splendid Carolingian frescoes.
Saint Peter
Image by Lawrence OP

Saint Peter

Statue of Saint Peter at the west doors of Notre-Dame, Paris.
Church of Saint Pancrace after 1905 Law of Separation
Image by Greudin

Church of Saint Pancrace after 1905 Law of Separation

The entrance of the Church of Saint Pancrace in Aups after the 1905 Law of Separation of Church and State in France.
Château de Saint-Brisson-sur-Loire
Image by Daniel Jolivet

Château de Saint-Brisson-sur-Loire

Château de Saint-Brisson-sur-Loire, Loiret, France. A simple fortified tower in the 11th century, the château was transformed over the centuries to become the gem we can admire today. In the 16th century, the castle was transformed into a...
Saint Louis Castle
Image by Amin Nasr

Saint Louis Castle

A photo showing Castle of Saint Louis, a ruined crusader castle located in Sidon, Lebanon. Built by the French crusaders in 1254 CE.
Saint Cuthbert at Lindisfarne
Image by Lawrence OP

Saint Cuthbert at Lindisfarne

Statue of Saint Cuthbert (c. 634 - 20 March 687) at Lindisfarne Priory.
Banks of the Loing, Saint-Mammès by Sisley
Image by

Banks of the Loing, Saint-Mammès by Sisley

An 1885 oil on canvas, Banks of the Loing, Saint-Mammès, by Alfred Sisley (1839-1899), the Franco-British impressionist painter. (Private Collection)
Château de la Ferté-Saint-Aubin
Image by Gentil Hibou

Château de la Ferté-Saint-Aubin

Château de la Ferté-Saint-Aubin, Loiret, France. First built in the 16th century, it was confiscated during the French Revolution. François-Victor Masséna, son of André Masséna (1758-1817, Marshal of the Empire under Napoleon Bonaparte...