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Saint Valentine Kneeling in Supplication
Saint Valentine kneeling in supplication, painting by David Teniers III, 1677 CE.

Saint Augustine in His Cell
Saint Augustine in His Cell by Sandro Botticelli, 1490-1494 CE.
Uffizi Gallery, Florence.

Interior of Saint Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv
The interior and altar of Saint Sophia Cathedral of Kyiv.

Church of Saint Irene, Istanbul
A diagram of one of the finest surviving Byzantine basilicas, the Church of Saint Irene in Istanbul (mid-6th century CE and remodelled in the 8th century CE).

Saint Ignatius of Loyola's Vision of Christ and God the Father at La Storta
Saint Ignatius of Loyola's Vision of Christ and God the Father at La Storta, oil on canvas by Domenichino, c. 1622.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Saint-Just and Robespierre at the Hôtel de Ville, on the night of 9 Thermidor Year II
Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Antoine Saint-Just, Georges Couthon, and their allies take shelter at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris on the night of 9-10 Thermidor Year II (27-28 July 1794), where they plot an insurrection against the National...

Triumvirate of Saint-Just, Robespierre, and Couthon
The Triumvirate of the Terror: Louis Antoine Saint-Just (left), Maximilien Robespierre (center), Georges Couthon (right). Unknown author, 1794.

Battle of the Saint-Roch Church during the Revolt of 13 Vendémiaire Year IV
Revolt of 13 Vendémiaire Year IV (5 October 1795), the battle between royalist insurrectionists and French Republican soldiers under General Napoleon Bonaparte is taken to the Saint-Roch church. Image by Charles Monnet.

Bust of Louis-Antoine de Saint-Just
Bust of Louis Antoine de Saint-Just by French sculptor David d'Angers, 1848.
David d'Angers Gallery, Angers, France.
Photo credits to Wikipedia user Selbymay, 2011.

Saint George's Church, Lalibela
Church of Saint George at Lalibela, Ethiopia, 11-12th century.