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Statue of Brigid at Saint Brigid's Well, Kildare
Saint Brigid's Well, Kildare, believed to be the well used by Brigid herself and where she let her white cow drink water. The well continues to be a sacred site of pilgrimage, especially for the celebration of Imbolc on February 1st.

Abbey Cathedral of Saint Gall
The Convent of St Gall, located in St. Gallen, Switzerland, is a perfect example of a great Carolingian monastery, was, from the 8th century CE to its secularization in 1805 CE, one of the most important in Europe. Its library is one of the...

Bombard Canons, Mont-Saint-Michel
Two English bombard canons at Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy. The canons were abandoned by Thomas Scalles in 1434 CE during the Hundred Years' War (1332-1453 CE) between England and France

Saint Gregory the Illuminator
A 14th century CE Byzantine mosaic of Saint Gregory the Illuminator (d. c. 330 CE), first bishop of the Armenian church. (Museum of Pammacaristos Church, Istanbul)

Saint Margaret of Scotland by Obra de Juan de Roelas
A c. 1605 painting of Saint Margaret of Scotland (c. 1046-1093 CE) by Obra de Juan de Roelas. Margaret was the queen of Scotland and wife of Malcolm III of Scotland (r. 1058-1093 CE) from 1070 to 1093 CE. (Church of San Miguel and San Julián...

The Voyage of Saint Brendan
A modern painting showing the voyage of the 5th century CE Irish monk Saint Brendan, as told in the 'Navigatio Sancti Brendani abbatis'. Artist: Edward Reginald Frampton. (Chazen Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, USA)

Interior of the Abbey of Saint John at Müstair
Interior of the conventual church at the Abbey of Saint John at Müstair, Switzerland, which was founded as a Benedictine monastery in the late 8th century CE. This part displays splendid Carolingian frescoes.

Saint Paula
Saint Paula Teaching her Nuns, mid-17th century CE, by André Reinoso. Currently in the Monastery of the Hieronymites (Mosteiro dos Jerónimos), in Lisbon, Portugal.

Abbey of Saint John at Müstair, Switzerland
The Abbey of Saint John at Müstair, located in the village of Müstair in Canton Graubünden, Switzerland, is an early medieval Benedictine monastery dating to the late 8th century CE. It became an abbey in 1163 CE and still functions as a...

Home of Saint-Just in Blérancourt
The house where Louis-Antoine de Saint-Just lived as a teenager in the rural town of Blérancourt, now a museum.