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Bastet the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Cats
Bastet is the ancient Egyptian goddess of the home and domesticity, women's secrets, fertility, childbirth, and cats. Although probably best known in the modern day as the goddess of cats, especially since she was often depicted in cat form...

The Obsequies of an Egyptian Cat
The Obsequies of an Egyptian Cat, oil on canvas by John Reinhard Weguelin, 1886. Auckland Art Gallery. A priestess offers gifts of food and milk to the spirit of a cat. On an altar stands the mummy of the deceased, and the tomb is decorated...

Ramesses II in the Tree of Life
A depiction of Ramesses II in the sacred Tree of Life before Ptah and Sekhmet, with Thoth behind him. Relief on the north wall of the second pillared hall in the Temple of Derr on Lake Nasser, Egypt. The Temple of Derr is a rock-cut temple...

Relief of Tefnut, Kom Ombo
Wall relief depicting the goddess Tefnut. The relief is often erroneously identified as Sekhmet, a more well-known lion-headed goddess. Kom Ombo Temple. Ptolemaic Period. 180-47 BCE.

Minhotep & Nakhtmin Relief Stele
A sandstone relief stele depicting in the top panel Minhotep and his son Nakhtmin making offerings to Hathor, Anubis, and Osiris. The middle panel shows Minhotep and his wife Nefertari. The bottom panel shows Nakhtmin and his wife Sekhmet...

The Lioness Woman from Tell Zar'a
This figurine is a combination of the Syrian goddess Astarte with the Egyptian Hathor-Sekhmet. The head is formed so that the front shows the face of a woman while the side view is the profile of a lioness. The goddesses were associated with...

Statue of the Egypto-Persian Ptahhotep
This statue of Ptahhotep (who was the Overseer of the Treasury) is shown in a Persian costume that Egyptian officials adopted when Egypt was under Persian control. The jacket with flaring sleeves, over which a skirt is wrapped, is complemented...

Egyptian Book of the Celestial Cow
The Book of the Celestial Cow is one of the classic pieces of Egyptian funerary texts from the New Kingdom - the story of Re, Hathor, and the near destruction of humanity by the Eye of Re (Hathor-Sekhmet).

Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III (c. 1386-1353 BCE) was the ninth king of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. He is also known as Nebma'atre, Amenophis III, Amunhotep II, and Amana-Hatpa, all of which relate to the concept of the god Amun being satisfied or, as in the...

Nephthys was one of the original five gods of ancient Egypt born of the union of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) after the creation of the world. She was the fourth born after Osiris, Isis, and Set and was the older sister of Horus (usually referred...