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Seven Macaw or Vucub-Caquix
Image by Flickr User: Urban Sea Star

Seven Macaw or Vucub-Caquix

A replica of an architectural decoration from the Mayan ballcourt of Copan. It represents the god Seven Macaw (Vucub-Caquix) who was killed by the Hero Twins in Book II of the Popol Vuh. (Museum of Mayan Sculpture, Copan, Honduras)
The Seven Liberal Arts
Image by Herrad von Landsberg

The Seven Liberal Arts

Education personified. Philosophy sits in the center surrounded by the Seven Liberal Arts: Rhetoric, Dialectic, Grammar, Mathematics, Geometry, Music, and Astronomy. Illustration from "Hortus deliciarum" by Herrad von Landsberg (c. 1180...
Pages from Serlio's Seven Books on Architecture
Image by François de Dijon

Pages from Serlio's Seven Books on Architecture

Pages from 'Seven Books on Architecture' by the Italian Renaissance architect Sebastiano Serlio (c. 1475-1554 CE). 1551-1554 CE. (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich)
Rome: A History in Seven Sackings
Image by Matthew Kneale

Rome: A History in Seven Sackings

Rome: A History in Seven Sackings by Matthew Kneale.
The Seven Sages of Ancient Greece
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Seven Sages of Ancient Greece

The Seven Sages (ΟΙ ΕΠΤΑ ΣΟΦΟΙ) of ancient Greece were renowned philosophers, statesmen, and lawgivers celebrated for their wisdom and practical contributions. First explicitly listed in Plato’s Protagoras, they were recognized as "the wise...
Seven Books of History Against the Pagans
Image by Marcella Medici

Seven Books of History Against the Pagans

Orosius' (5th century CE) Historiae adversus paganos, 1561 CE edition. Available in the BEIC digital library.
The Seven Years War & the Great Awakening
Video by CrashCourse

The Seven Years War & the Great Awakening

In which John Green teaches you about the beginnings of the American Revolution in a video titled The Seven Years War. Confusing? Maybe. John argues that the Seven Years War, which is often called the French and Indian War in the US, laid...
Seven Kings Laying Siege to Kushinagara
Image by Biswarup Ganguly

Seven Kings Laying Siege to Kushinagara

This scene shows seven kings marching towards the city of Kushinagara to lay siege to it. The kings are distinguished by their royal umbrellas and attendants with flying whisks standing or seated behind them. The city with its high walls...
Seven Crucial Vaccines in History
Image by Simeon Netchev

Seven Crucial Vaccines in History

This infographic illustrates seven crucial vaccines, biological preparations that train the immune system to recognize and fight harmful pathogens, preventing disease without causing illness. Throughout history, they have saved millions of...
Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabee Brothers and Their Mother
Image by Dirck Vellert

Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabee Brothers and Their Mother

Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabee Brothers and Their Mother, stained glass by Dirck Vellert, Antwerp, c. 1530-35. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.