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10 Maps of Bronze Age Empires
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

10 Maps of Bronze Age Empires

During the Bronze Age, which spanned roughly from 3300 BCE to 1200 BCE, several powerful empires emerged, shaping the course of early civilization. In this collection of ten maps, we take a look at the empires that flourished in regions such...
Early Christianity in 10 Maps
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

Early Christianity in 10 Maps

Explore the world of early Christianity through this 10-map collection, tracing the transformative journey of the Roman Empire as it embraced a new faith. Begin with the Roman Empire under Augustus (r. 27 BCE to 14 CE), setting the stage...
The Rise of the Holy Roman Empire in 4 Maps
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

The Rise of the Holy Roman Empire in 4 Maps

In this gallery of four maps we chart the rise and expansion of the Holy Roman Empire, a pivotal period in European history following the decline of the Roman Empire. Emerging from the ashes of Rome's collapse, the Merovingian Dynasty in...
5 Maps on the Origins of the United States
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

5 Maps on the Origins of the United States

In this gallery of five maps, we examine the creation and expansion of the United States from the colonization of North America by European powers to the routes of the explorers who pushed ever westwards to the Pacific coast. Here we can...
8 Maps on British History
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

8 Maps on British History

In this gallery of eight maps, we examine the history of Britain by looking at the four great challenges faced from the outside: Rome, Scandinavia, Normandy, and Spain, as well as that which came from within and the chaotic civil war of the...
5 British Royal Houses
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

5 British Royal Houses

In this gallery, we look at the history of the last five royal houses of Britain through their family trees. From the Wars of the Roses to the current House of Windsor, we see an evolution from absolute rule to a constitutional monarchy...
Ancient Rome in 8 Infographics
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

Ancient Rome in 8 Infographics

The culture of ancient Rome intricately blended laws, military values, and cultural innovations to lay the groundwork for a civilization that endured for centuries. In this gallery of infographics, we examine some of the specific aspects...
4 Maps of Epic Ancient Quests
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

4 Maps of Epic Ancient Quests

In this gallery, we cross the ancient Mediterranean world four times to follow the adventures of four great heroes from Greek and Roman mythology. Here are visual representations of timeless tales of heroism, divine challenges, and fearsome...