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Thebes Funerary Stele
Image by Mark Cartwright

Thebes Funerary Stele

A funerary stele from Thebes, Egypt. Plastered and painted wood. 7th-4th century BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Milan, Italy)
Ramesses II Seated Statue, Thebes
Image by Mark Cartwright

Ramesses II Seated Statue, Thebes

Statue of a seated Ramesses II, holding the royal sceptre and wearing the khepresh war helmet, from the Temple of Amun, Thebes, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, 1279-1213 BCE. Egyptian Museum, Turin.
The Sanctuary of the Kabeiroi, Thebes
Image by Athanasios Fountoukis

The Sanctuary of the Kabeiroi, Thebes

The Kabeiroi sanctuary is located 8 km (4.97 miles) west of Thebes, Greece. The Kabeiroi were revered as vineyard and animal fertility guardians. The sanctuary's cult originated in the archaic period and lasted until late antiquity.
Definition by Liana Miate


Cadmus is a Phoenician-born prince and the founder and king of Thebes in Boeotia in Greek mythology. He travelled to Greece from his home in Tyre in search of his sister Europa who had been kidnapped by Zeus. His rescue mission was abandoned...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Xois (as the Greeks called it) was a vast ancient city located on a marshy island in the center of the Nile Delta of Egypt, modern-day Sakha. It was founded c. 3414-3100 BCE and was continuously inhabited until the rise of Christianity c...
Boeotian Pithos from Thebes
Image by Dan Diffendale

Boeotian Pithos from Thebes

A Boeotian early orientalizing pithos-amphora depicting a lion, 670-660 BCE, Thebes. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens).
Crates of Thebes by Giordano
Image by Velvet

Crates of Thebes by Giordano

Crates of Thebes by Luca Giordano, 1650 CE, Palazzo Barberini, Rome.
Attic Oil Flask Depicting a Scene from Seven Against Thebes
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Attic Oil Flask Depicting a Scene from Seven Against Thebes

This image of a young warrior cutting his hair before battle may reflect a scene in Seven against Thebes, a tragedy by Aeschylus. The seven heroes knew that only one of them would survive battle. Each cut a lock of his hair and tied it to...
Seven Against Thebes
Image by Carole Raddato

Seven Against Thebes

High terracotta Etruscan relief depicting scenes from the myth of the Seven Against Thebes. It decorated the back of the temple of the sanctuary at Pyrgi, 470-460 BCE, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, Rome.
Crates of Thebes [Painting]
Image by Wikipedia User: PhidiasNL

Crates of Thebes [Painting]

A portrait of the Greek Cynic philosopher Crates of Thebes by an unknown painter from the circle of Domenico Feti.