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Ptolemaic Trade Networks in the Late 1st Century BCE
Image by Arienne King

Ptolemaic Trade Networks in the Late 1st Century BCE

This map illustrates the trading networks which connected the Ptolemaic Kingdom to South Asia and East Africa by the second half of the 1st century BCE. During this time period, Ptolemaic Egypt was a major player in the spice trade which...
The History of the West African Salt Trade
Video by Kelly Macquire

The History of the West African Salt Trade

Did you know that salt was literally worth its weight in gold in ancient West Africa? This video is all about the lucrative trade of salt in West African history. Salt from the Sahara desert was one of the major trade goods of ancient...
Ancient and Medieval Gold Trade in West Africa
Video by Kelly Macquire

Ancient and Medieval Gold Trade in West Africa

Did you know that the Ghana king would automatically keep any gold nugget extracted that weighed between 25 grams and half a kilo? This video is all about the lucrative gold trade of ancient and medieval West Africa. West Africa was...
The Roman Empire in West Africa
Article by Arienne King

The Roman Empire in West Africa

At its fullest extent, the Roman Empire stretched from around modern-day Aswan, Egypt at its southernmost point to Great Britain in the north but the influence of the Roman Empire went far beyond even the borders of its provinces as a result...
Viking Age Trade Routes in North-West Europe
Image by Brianann MacAmhlaidh

Viking Age Trade Routes in North-West Europe

Map showing some of the Viking Age (c. 790-1100 CE) trade routes that existed in North-West Europe during this time. Among the places depicted are such major trading centres are Hededy, Ribe, Birka and Kaupang from Viking Scandinavia; York...
Portuguese Macao
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Portuguese Macao

Macao (Macau) is located on a peninsula in the estuary of the Pearl River delta in southeast China and it was a Portuguese colonial settlement from c. 1557 until 1999. Macao was a major trade hub of the Portuguese Empire and with its unique...
Estado da India
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Estado da India

The Estado da India (1505-1961) was the name the Portuguese gave to that part of their empire which stretched from India to East Asia. However, in its widest sense, the name includes all Portuguese colonies east of the Cape of Good Hope and...
Some Active Trade Routes in the Bronze Age Mediterranean
Image by Kelly Macquire

Some Active Trade Routes in the Bronze Age Mediterranean

A map detailing some of the active maritime trade routes in the Aegean during the Middle and Late Bronze Age.
Trade Card of a Veterinary Surgeon
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Trade Card of a Veterinary Surgeon

Trade card of Norborn, veterinary surgeon. c. 1760-1818 CE.
Economy & Trade in Ancient Greece
Quiz by Marion Wadowski

Economy & Trade in Ancient Greece

Emporia Emporioi Sitones Agora Sitophylakes Temperate Climate Import Export Amphora Stamp Obverse Reverse Numismatics greek trade economy colonies colonization colonisation olive oil wine pottery coin coinage