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Hattusili III's Letter to Kadasman-Enlil II
This clay tablet represents a letter from Ḫattušili III (king of the Hittite Empire) to Kadašman-Enlil II (Kadashman-Enlil II; the Kassite king of Babylon). The beginning reads "I mourned for your father and shed tears for him. I sent a messenger...

Portrait of James III of Scotland
A 17th century CE portrait of James III of Scotland (r. 1460-1488 CE). (National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh)

Tiglath Pileser III
Detail of a gypsum wall relief showing the Assyrian king Tiglath Pileser III from the South-West palace at Nimrud, Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq, Neo-Assyrian Empire, 745-727 BCE. The king is recognizable by his long beard, royal head cap...

Great Seal of Alexander III of Scotland
The great seal of Alexander III of Scotland (r. 1249-1286 CE).

George III in Coronation Robes
A c. 1765 portrait by Allan Ramsay of George III of Great Britain (r. 1760-1820) dressed in his coronation robes. (Art Gallery of South Australia)

Andronikos III Palaiologos
Andronikos III Palaiologos, Byzantine Emperor (r. 1328-1341 CE). 14th-century CE miniature. Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek.

Pulling Down the Statue of King George III
On 9 July 1776, American Patriots and Sons of Liberty pull down the statue of King George III of Great Britain in New York City, shortly after George Washington read the United States Declaration of Independence. Two months later, the British...

James III of Scotland & Margaret of Denmark
A 16th century CE manuscript illustration showing James III of Scotland (r. 1460-1488 CE) and Queen Margaret (d. 1486 CE). From the Froman Armorial. (National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh).

King Victor Emmanuel III
A photograph of the Italian King Victor Emmanuel III (r. 1900-46), taken between 1924 and 1934.

James III of Scotland with St. Andrew
A c. 1480 painted panel from an altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes showing Saint Andrew presenting James III of Scotland (r. 1460-1488). On the left is James' son, future James IV of Scotland (r. 1488-1513). National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh...