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Dogu Figurine, Jomon Period
A clay dogu figurine. From Kamikurokoma, Fuefuki-shi, Yamanashi, Japan. Jomon Period, 3000-2000 BCE. (Tokyo National Museum)

Nara Period Mirror
An eight-lobed cast bronze mirror with flowers and luan (a mythical bird) decoration. From Mount Tsuwado, Mukuno, Yamaga-machi, Kitsuki-shi, Oita, Japan. Nara Period, 8th century CE. Tokyo National Museum)

Yayoi Period Jar
A jar of the Yayoi Period, 1st-3rd century CE. From Kugahara, Ota-ku, Tokyo. Important Cultural Property. (Tokyo National Museum)

Cinerary Urn, Nara Period
A gilded cast bronze cinerary urn from the Nara Period (710-794 CE). From Kamori, Katsuragi-shi, Nara, Japan. Important Cultural Property (Tokyo National Museum)

Dotaku Bell, Yayio Period
A bronze dotaku bell, Yayoi Period, 4th-2nd century BCE, Japan. (Tokyo National Museum)

Terracotta Cow Figurine from Ubaid period
This terracotta figurine represents a cow and dates back to the Ubaid period, 4th millennium BCE, Mesopotamia, Iraq. (The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq).

Bowl from El-Badari Period
This pottery bowl (brown with a rough surface) was found in tomb 5769. From El-Badari, Egypt. El-Badari Period, 5000-4000 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London (with thanks to The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL...

Mascot From Jemdet Nasr Period
This mascot is made of white marble and represents the "goddesses of the eye." Jemdet Nasr period, circa 3000 BCE, Mesopotamia, Iraq. (The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq).

Sanage Ware, Nara Period.
A Japanese sanage ware jug with natural glaze. Nara Period, 8th century CE. (Tokyo National Museum)

Nara Period Miniature Stupas
These are miniature stupas (hyakumanto). A stupa is a structure in a Buddhist temple that contains religious relics. Empress Shotoku (reigned 764-770 CE) ordered a million of these miniature wooden stupas to be made. Each one contained a...