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Faience Drinking Cup from the 18th Dynasty
This is a faience (bluish-green) drinking cup. The cup's exterior surface was elaborated with incised decoration representing lotus flower petals. From Egypt. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, 1543-1292 BCE. (The British Museum, London)

Tang Dynasty Horse
A unglazed ceramic horse from the Tang Dynasty. China, 8th century CE. (St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri)

Tang Dynasty Mounted Archer
A pottery figurine depicting a mounted archer carrying a bow case. Tang Dynasty, 618-906 CE. (British Museum, London)

Egyptian Pharaoh Relief from the 12th Dynasty
This limestone fragment depicts an Egyptian pharaoh. He wears the "white crown," menat and collar, and heb-sed robe. From Koptos (Qift), Egypt. 12th Dynasty, 1991–1778 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London (With thanks to...

Goryeo Dynasty Bronze Coin
A bronze coin of the Korean Goryeo Dynasty. The legend reads: Tongguk tongbo,
meaning 'Coin of the Eastern Kingdom' (Korea). 1097-1105 CE. (British Musem, London)

Tang Dynasty Agate Belt Plaques
These are part of a set of nine agate belt plaques with decoration of musicians. From modern-day China, Tang Dynasty, 618-906 CE. (The British Museum, London).

Eastern Zhou Dynasty Sword
A bronze sword from the Eastern Zhou dynasty, China, 5th-3rd century BCE. (British Museum, London)

Imperial Coat of Arms of the Hohenstaufen Dynasty
Coat of arms of the Hohenstaufen Dynasty, whilst they ruled as Holy Roman Emperors (1135-1268 CE).

Head of a Bodhisattva from China's Sui Dynasty
This a picture of the head of a statue of a bodhisattva, which was made in Henan Province of sandstone and gilt during the Sui Dynasty (581-618 CE). (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto)

Goryeo Dynasty Bodhisattva
Gilt bronze bodhisattva seated on a lotus leaf. Goryeo Dynasty, 13th century CE. (Musée Guimet, Paris)