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Greek Archaic Period
Definition by James Lloyd

Greek Archaic Period

The Greek Archaic Period (c. 800-479 BCE) started from what can only be termed uncertainty, and ended with the Persians being ejected from Greece for good after the battles of Plataea and Mykale in 479 BCE. The Archaic Period is preceded...
Ancient Celtic Religion, Druids and Funerary Beliefs
Video by Kelly Macquire

Ancient Celtic Religion, Druids and Funerary Beliefs

The Ancient Celtic religion was a polytheistic one, with numerous gods with sometimes overlapping responsibilities. The ancient Celts, who occupied parts of western and central Europe during the Late Bronze Age and through to the Iron Age...
Greek Temples of Sicily
Article by Heinrich Hall

Greek Temples of Sicily

There are at least a thousand reasons to visit Sicily, the great island – indeed the largest in the Mediterranean – that forms the triangular football to the boot that is the Italian peninsula. They are all very good reasons, including amazing...
Cultural Links between India & the Greco-Roman World
Article by Sanujit

Cultural Links between India & the Greco-Roman World

Cyrus the Great (558-530 BCE) built the first universal empire, stretching from Greece to the Indus River. This was the famous Achaemenid Empire of Persia. An inscription at Naqsh-i-Rustam, the tomb of his able successor Darius I (521-486...
Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion Title Page
Image by Unknown Artist

Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion Title Page

The title page of the 1559 fourth edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (l. 1509-1564), the French Reformer, pastor, and theologian.
Some new hypotheses on the problems of the Indo-Greek kingdoms
Article by Antoine Simonin

Some new hypotheses on the problems of the Indo-Greek kingdoms

Warning: See the definitions of Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Kingdoms before reading this article, otherwise the following lines could give you serious headaches! A lack of information is a common problem for historians of the Greco-Bactrian...
Shinto: Ancient Japanese Religion
Video by NowThis

Shinto: Ancient Japanese Religion

Practiced by nearly 80% of the population, Shinto is the largest religion in Japan. This video explains the religious practices of Shinto and its ancient roots. Written by: Jennie Butler Edited by: Alex Esteves Produced by: Cailyn Bradley...
Religion in Ancient China
Video by Darsha Dodge

Religion in Ancient China

This video visually explains the early religion of ancient China, including cosmogony and doctrines. WLIT 1113 Presentation - Religion in Ancient China (2015)— Created using PowToon.
Greek Theatre Architecture
Article by Mark Cartwright

Greek Theatre Architecture

The ancient Greeks built open-air theatres where the public could watch the performances of Greek comedy, tragedy, and satyr plays. They then exported the idea to their colonies throughout the Aegean so that theatres became a typical feature...
Greek Mathematics
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Greek Mathematics

Greek mathematics, the study of numbers and their properties, patterns, structure, space, apparent change, and measurement, is said to have originated with Thales of Miletus (l. c. 585 BCE) but was clearly understood during the periods of...