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Interior Dome of Etchmiadzin Cathedral
Etchmiadzin Cathedral, which is located in Etchmiadzin, Armenia. (The cathedral is currently under reconstruction.) According to many art historians, it is the world's oldest Christian cathedral, and it's the most important church in Armenian...

Pillars and Arches at Etchmiadzin Cathedral
Interior pillars and arches at Etchmiadzin Cathedral, which is located in Etchmiadzin, Armenia. (The cathedral is currently under reconstruction.) According to many art historians, it is the world's oldest Christian cathedral, and it's the...

Holy Cross Cathedral, Uzhhorod
The Holy Cross Cathedral is the main Greek Catholic church of Uzhhorod, Ukraine and is the residence of the Mukachevo bishops. The cathedral was founded in 1640. The exterior of the cathedral is done in the neoclassical style.

Chartres Cathedral - Main Hall
This is the main hall of Chartres Cathedral. The beige-white stone with painted central arches represents the original colour scheme of the cathedral, as it was when completed in the 13th century CE. The darker stone walls seen in the side...

Armenian Saint Fresco, Etchmiadzin Cathedral
This fresco of an Armenian saint can be seen at the Etchmiadzin Cathedral, which is located in Etchmiadzin, Armenia. (The cathedral is currently under reconstruction.) According to many art historians, it is the world's oldest Christian cathedral...

Armenian Saint, Etchmiadzin Cathedral
This fresco of an Armenian saint can be seen at the Etchmiadzin Cathedral, which is located in Etchmiadzin, Armenia. (The cathedral is currently under reconstruction.) According to many art historians, it is the world's oldest Christian cathedral...

Blue Virgin Window, Chartres Cathedral
The Blue Virgin window of Chartres Cathedral, France, 1190-1220 CE. The four central panels date to the mid-12th century CE. The stained glass window shows the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus.

North Rose Window, Chartres Cathedral
The North Rose window of Chartres Cathedral, France, 1190-1220 CE. The stained glass window shows scenes of Jesus Christ, the prophets and 12 kings of Judah.

South Rose Window, Chartres Cathedral
The South Rose window of Chartres Cathedral, France, 1190-1220 CE. The stained glass window shows scenes of Jesus Christ and the Judgement of the Apocalypse.

Salisbury Cathedral
Ground plan of the Salisbury Cathedral showing the development of the layout of churches during the medieval period. Despite the complex layout with multiple aisles, transepts (G, H, O, P) and end (R) and side-chapels (W, X, 3-5), it preserves...