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Pope Gregory VII, Pitigliano Cathedral
Image by Detunedweirdo

Pope Gregory VII, Pitigliano Cathedral

Stained glass window of Pope Gregory VII (1015-1085) at the Pitigliano Cathedral, Italy.
Interior View, Bourges Cathedral
Image by Mark Cartwright

Interior View, Bourges Cathedral

An interior view of Saint Stephen's Cathedral, Bourges, Le Cher, France. Built from 1195 to 1245, it is an example of Gothic architecture.
Bell Tower of Saint Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv
Image by Posterrr

Bell Tower of Saint Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv

Bell tower of Saint Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv, built in the Cossack Baroque style between 1699-1706, funded by Hetman Ivan Mazepa. The height of the bell tower is 76 metres.
Altar of the Virgin, Orleans Cathedral
Image by Mark Cartwright

Altar of the Virgin, Orleans Cathedral

The Altar of the Virgin (1872 CE) in the Gothic Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Orléans, France. 13-14th century CE. The four carved relief scenes show the Presentation, Marriage, Annunciation, and Flight to Egypt.
Devil & Nun, Chartres Cathedral
Image by Walwyn

Devil & Nun, Chartres Cathedral

A statue of a devil taking a lapsed nun to hell, Chartres Cathedral, France, 1190-1220 CE.
South Porch, Chartres Cathedral
Image by Steven Zucker

South Porch, Chartres Cathedral

The South porch of Chartres Cathedral, France., completed 1220 CE.
Royal Portal Statues, Chartres Cathedral
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Royal Portal Statues, Chartres Cathedral

A selection of statues that line the main triple entrance, the Royal Portal, of Chartres Cathedral, France. The statues depict a variety of professions, from kings to paupers. 1145-1155 CE.
Main Portal, Western Side, Bourges Cathedral
Image by Mark Cartwright

Main Portal, Western Side, Bourges Cathedral

The main portal on the western façade of Bourges Cathedral, France. The sculpture above the two doorways shows the Last Judgement and was made around 1240. The figures in the arches represent various angels, martyrs, confessors, and saints.
St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque
Image by Doomych

St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque

Muqarnas in the St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque, Russia.
Labyrinth, Chartres Cathedral
Image by Fab5669

Labyrinth, Chartres Cathedral

The labyrinth paving of the central nave of Chartres Cathedral, France. Laid down c. 1200 CE it was meant for pilgrims to ritually wander around.