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Prunksaal, Austrian National Library, Vienna
Image by Viktorija

Prunksaal, Austrian National Library, Vienna

Prunksaal (State Hall) is the central structure of the old imperial library and part of the Hofburg palace in Vienna, Austria. It was build between 1721-1723. The hall is divided, after the original list of the books, into "war" and "peace"...
The Blegen Library
Image by Konstantinos Tzortzinis and the ASCSA

The Blegen Library

The Blegen Library in Athens.
State Hall, Austrian National Library, Vienna
Image by Viktorija

State Hall, Austrian National Library, Vienna

Prunksaal (State Hall) is the central structure of the old imperial library and part of the Hofburg palace in Vienna, Austria. It was build between 1721-1723 and it housed about 200,000 books.
What Really Happened to the Library of Alexandria? - Elizabeth Cox
Video by TED-Ed

What Really Happened to the Library of Alexandria? - Elizabeth Cox

View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-really-happened-to-the-library-of-alexandria-elizabeth-cox 2,300 years ago, the rulers of Alexandria set out to fulfill a very audacious goal: to collect all the knowledge in the world...
Roman Architecture
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Roman Architecture

Roman architecture continued the legacy left by Greek architects and the established architectural orders, especially the Corinthian. The Romans were also innovators and they combined new construction techniques and materials with creative...
Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Turkey | Library of Pergamum Destination Spot
Video by Famous Tourist Attractions Places

Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Turkey | Library of Pergamum Destination Spot

Top Tourist Attractions Places To Visit In Turkey | Library of Pergamum Destination Spot - Tourism in Turkey.
Library of Celsus - 3D View
3D Image by Miguel Bandera

Library of Celsus - 3D View

The Library of Celsus is an ancient Roman building in Ephesus, Anatolia, now part of Selçuk, Turkey. It was built in honour of the Roman Senator Tiberius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus completed between circa 114–117 CE by Celsus’ son, Gaius Julius...
Callimachus of Cyrene
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Callimachus of Cyrene

Callimachus of Cyrene (l. c. 310-c. 240 BCE) was a poet and scholar associated with the Library of Alexandria and best known for his Pinakes ("Tablets"), a bibliographic catalog of Greek literature, his poetry, and his literary aesthetic...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


According legend, Ephesus (also Ephesos) was founded by the tribe of the Amazons, great female warriors. The name of the city is thought to have been derived from "Apasas", the name of a city in the "Kingdom of Arzawa" meaning the "city of...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Ashurbanipal (r. 668-627 BCE, also known as Assurbanipal) was the last of the great kings of Assyria. His name means "the god Ashur is creator of an heir" and he was the son of King Esarhaddon of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. In the Hebrew Tanakh...