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Caesar As Dictator: His Impact on the City of Rome
Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE) first assumed the role of dictator in 49 BCE, however, once he had secured his election as consul for the following year, he resigned after 11 days. After defeating Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus in 48...

A Model of Christian Charity and the City on a Hill
A Model of Christian Charity is a sermon delivered by the Puritan John Winthrop (l. c. 1588-1649 CE), second governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, either just before or after his ship, the Arbella, set sail from England for North America...

Murata Walls of Castelgrande in Bellinzona
Bellinzona flourished as a city under the rule of the Visconti and Sforza dynasties in the Late Middle Ages, who secured the Alpine passes, upheld customs laws, and balanced state finances and ordinances. The Milanese also rebuilt the Murata...

Timoleon Walls, Gela
The walls are the most important monument that has come to us from Hellenistic Gela, preserved in a truly extraordinary way thanks to the sudden cover-up of the area. They are located at the western end of the modern city, in the locality...

Ceide Fields Walls
The Ceide Fields, near Ballycastle, Co. Mayo, on the western coast of Ireland, are recognised as one of the oldest and largest Stone Age farming sites in the world, dating back to c. 3700 BCE. The walls that have been discovered so far, rest...

Fortifications Walls of Sinope
The north fortification walls of Sinope, known today as Sinop Castle (Turkish: Sinop Kalesi), located in the city of Sinop on the northernmost edge of the Turkish side of the Black Sea coast. Sinope was the earliest Greek colony founded on...

Theodosian Walls
A restored section of the Theodosian Walls of Constantinople, completed c. 413 CE.

Cross-section of the Theodosian Walls
A diagram showing a cross-section of the Theodosian Walls of Constantinople, completed c. 413 CE.

Crusaders at the Walls of Jerusalem
A 19th century CE painting by Francesco Hayez of the First Crusaders at the walls of Jerusalem in 1099 CE. (Royal Palace of Turin, Italy)

Tower, Theodosian Walls
A tower and section of the Theodosian Walls of Constantinople, completed c. 413 CE.