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Star of David on the Walls of Jerusalem
Image by Ze'ev Barkan

Star of David on the Walls of Jerusalem

The star is located near the New Gate on the northern part of the walls of Jerusalem.
Adobe Walls, Chan Chan
Image by Bruno Girin

Adobe Walls, Chan Chan

A section of the decorated adobe walls of one of the palace compounds in Chan Chan, northern Peru. Chan Chan was the capital of the Chimu (Chimor) civilization which flourished between the 12th and 15th centuries CE.
Shuri Castle Walls
Image by David Pursehouse

Shuri Castle Walls

The fortification walls and Kankaimon gate of Shuri Castle, Okinawa, Japan. 14th century CE.
Zakimi Castle Walls, Okinawa
Image by Almighty Franklinstein

Zakimi Castle Walls, Okinawa

A section of the outer limestone walls of Zakimi castle, Okinawa, Japan. The Ryukyu Kingdom, 15th century CE.
Castelgrande Walls and Towers
Image by James Blake Wiener

Castelgrande Walls and Towers

This is a picture of the defensive walls of Castelgrande along with the Black Tower (Italian: Torre Nero) in the foreground and White Tower (Italian: Torre Bianca) in the background. The Castelgrande is one of three major castles in Bellinzona...
Map Indicating the Antonine & Hadrian Walls
Image by Norman Einstein

Map Indicating the Antonine & Hadrian Walls

A map indicating the location and extent of the Antonine Wall (140s CE) and Hadrian's Wall (122 CE).
Ancient Walls Surrounding Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Image by James Blake Wiener

Ancient Walls Surrounding Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem is identified as the place both of the crucifixion and the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. Despite the mutilations of the centuries, the Holy Sepulchre remains a fascinating complex of...
A Gallery of the City of Babylon
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of the City of Babylon

The city of Babylon was once the most famous cultural and religious center of the ancient world and, in fact, was understood as the center of the world according to an ancient map. It did not acquire its reputation as a “city of sin” until...
City Under Siege
Image by Leyla Johnson

City Under Siege

Artist's impression of an army in front of a large city wall, most likely during Late Antiquity or the early Middle Ages. While this does not depict any specific event, the walls may represent the Theodosian Walls of Constantinople.
Southern Defensive Walls in Bellinzona
Image by James Blake Wiener

Southern Defensive Walls in Bellinzona

This is a view of the southern city walls in the Swiss city of Bellinzona. These walls and defensive structures lead up to the Montebello Castle. These structures were constructed initially by the Milanese in the 15th century CE.