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National Palace, Mexico City
Image by JOMA-MAC

National Palace, Mexico City

The facade of the National Palace in Mexico City, once seat of the viceroy of New Spain when part of the Spanish Empire.
Plague in an Ancient City
Image by Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Plague in an Ancient City

"Plague in an Ancient City" by Michiel Sweerts (1618-1664 CE) is believed to depict the Plague of Athens (430-427 BCE). Oil on canvas. Painted c. 1652-1654 CE. 118.7 cm (46.7 in) x 170.8 cm (67.2 in). (Courtesy of Los Angeles County Museum...
The Ancient City of Babylon
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

The Ancient City of Babylon

This is a general view of the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon, in modern-day Babel Governorate, Iraq.
Sculpture of Xolotl, Mexico City
Image by Arienne King

Sculpture of Xolotl, Mexico City

Head of the Aztec god Xolotl. Collection of National Anthropological Museum, Mexico City.
The Arrival of George Washington at New York City, April 30, 1789
Image by Arsène-Hippolyte Rivey

The Arrival of George Washington at New York City, April 30, 1789

The Arrival of George Washington at New York City, April 30, 1789, oil on canvas by Arsène-Hippolyte Rivey, 1870. New York Historical Society.
The Book of the City of Ladies
Image by The Yorck Project

The Book of the City of Ladies

Illumination from Christine de Pizan's The Book of the City of Ladies (1405 CE). Bibliothèque nationale de France, Fr.607, f.2
Roman City under Attack
Image by Conifer Games

Roman City under Attack

This is a modern watercolour sketch of how a Roman city under attack may have looked like.
Sunken City of Simena
Image by Peter Sommer Travels

Sunken City of Simena

View on the ruins of the sunken city of Simena in ancient Lycia, modern-day Turkey. Photo provided by Peter Sommer Travels and republished with permission.
City of Enna
Image by Leandro Neumann Ciuffo

City of Enna

A contemporary view of the Sicilian hilltop city of Enna, which stand 931 meters (3,054 feet) above sea level.
Roman City Being Conquered
Image by Conifer Games

Roman City Being Conquered

Illustration from the computer game At the Gates by Conifer Games.